1. Dream

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I am walking behind him, his so familiar slim figure is so close to me yet he feels so far away. The air or rather the atmosphere feels rather cold.

I look down, my arm is strech out towards him. Our finger's intertwine like they have done so many times before. We keep walking through a crowd of people, the crowd gets bigger and bigger as we reach the train station. I keep looking at his back and messy blonde hair, I squeeze his hand as I hear the train getting nearer

~ No it came earlier today, why~ I cry and the boy turns to look at me. His always beautiful features leave me breathless as he faces me and closes the gap between us. More people are gathering at the terminal as the train's sound gets louder

~ Just come with me ~ and he kisses my forehead and tries to pull me along with him as the doors of the train open
But many people start getting on the train, pushing us on their way. When finally in an instant they break our hands away, I see as he gets drag on the train and my body won't move, I try and try to reach him but my body doesn't respond

My eyes meet his through the now close glass door, and with a painful look on his eyes he waves good bye....

~NO.!!JUNHEE....STAY, please...~ I yell again and again his name but the train is gone and so is the people at station. I am once again alone.

And just a grim and sorrowful feeling remain with me.....

As I open my eyes and squint at the sight of sunlight hitting my eyes. I turn to my left and see I am still at board of the van that picked us up 2 hours ago at the dorm.

"Another nightmare?" I hear my manager John say at the front seat as he looks at me through the car rearview mirror, I remove the neck pink pillow I got as a gift from a fan at a fan meeting not long ago, I really love the cute white dog paw print it had. I nod at his question, "I will turn on the air conditioner, maybe the heat caused your bad dream" and he does

My body instantly feels the cold air surrounding the car and I get sleepy once again

"Is it really that far away?" I ask shaking the lazy feeling away, and decide to take a sip of water from a bottle I found on the floor

"No, but something might have happened since the traffic is horrible" he replies, as he seats back placing his elbow at the door. I open my window and move my head outside and see the long line of cars ahead, "But don't worry we have plenty of time, so you can also sleep like those two on the back" he chuckles and I turn my head to the back seat.

To find my other two fellow members sound asleep. Both have their earphones on and eyes masks so they were both completely lost in their dreams. I envy them since I also want to take this time to rest and once we get to the location start with a full on energy our schedule, but I am scare. That if I close my eyes again his face will come back and this empty feeling with it. Why is it always a good bye? For once I wish for a happy ending dream where he doesn't pull away and just stays with me. Even if just a dream.

"HYUNG.!!" I snap out of my thought when I see our drummer's face so close to mine, "did you hear what I ask?" And he comes to sit at the empty seat besides me, leaving the other boy asleep

"Sorry Yuto, I didn't...what is it?" And focus my attention to whatever he had to say

He looks at me a bit annoyed, "I said, that I got a text from the other van...they will be a little late since one of the make up artist got car sick on the way...apparently they were going to fast on the highway believing they were late" he now takes out his cellphone and starts typing

ANYWHERE (2) // A.C.E DongJun & WowKwanWhere stories live. Discover now