23. Listen

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I am sitting at the studio by myself.

They change the time of the show so from now on we'll be on air monday, wednesday and friday from 9 to 11. My c.e.o had a long discussion with Art's director, but finally they allowed it, saying that if I have another major event during the air time I can be excuse from the show. The cabin is a bit cold and its really awkward seating here by myself while the staff seat outside. Staring from time to time from the glass window my way.

After my confession to Jun, I feel really nervous of seeing him again. I couldn't properly ask him for another chance and he didn't give any hints if maybe I had a chance with him. And Chan punch me in the arm when I told him that all I could manage to say was to ask him for a spot in his heart, which he believe doesn't qualify as a confession

I take out my phone to see the schedule, the preparation for our concert in Seoul were almost ready and soon the concert would take place. As always I will receive free tickets for family and friends. Minjae would be coming back to Korea tomorrow so I already told him he  must come to the show, and my parents wouldn't come. No surprise there. So maybe I would give to Sehyoon, his boy Kwan....and just maybe Junhee.

Just then the person I am thinking of opens the door and I see him walking inside. We were ask to wear Hawaiian shirts for the couple outfit of today. Since the show is transmitted through VLive. The shirt he is wearing is a deep purple and he has some rip jeans. His hair is down and looks a bit longer now. He smiles my way and I am a bit taken back, but then I remember that we were back on talking terms

"You're late" I say as I place the headphones on my neck and he grabs his seat next to me

"Is barely 9 p.m. I am so in time" he turns his chair around so he is facing me this time, "the question is, why are you so early?" His playful smile teases me

"No, the question here is why are you talking to me when we are to be on air within 3 seconds" and I point to the direction counting down with his fingers and looking already stress out through the glass.  Jun doesn't say anything and just gives him a thumbs up as he turns on his screen and get  ready as fast as possible.

This time I am in charge of opening the show, so I picked a pretty quote for the occasion

"Two people can be separated throughout the journey, but if these people are meant to be..." I turn my head and look at Junhee, his eyes meet mine, "they will be together at some time at a different place. Destiny will find a way....now,  This is your Indie night and here is Raccoon Raccoon with Dawn chorus" and the music starts to play as I keep staring at him, my smile is return by him and we stay quiet as we listen to the mellow cute melody playing on our headphones.

Once the song is over is Junhee time to speak

"Our first comment is by user_LoveYou, So happy now that the show started....by user_TaintedKino my favorites ever, can you play something by Billie Eillish and user_Julie oppa.!! I love you can you sing something for us live....please keep sending those messages and we'll gladly read them, now Donghun sing something for our lovely Julie", he looks at me and smirks quietly

"All of the sudden?" I ask already trying to remember a good song to sing

"Yes we got it as a request" it sounds more like he wants me to sing because he chose that comment, so I'll try my best

"Ok so here is a snip of Beautiful by Crush....It's a beautiful life, I'll be by your side, It's a beautiful life, I'll be behind you ..Beautiful love if I am with you under the sun" I finish the note and see the staff outside are clapping my way and I give a small thank you bow, just then I hear Junhee

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