The Isle of Wraiths

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The Creepiest of the Horror Movies are not enough for those who are determined to buy a spooky house but at a reasonable price, as resonable as the stuff they behold.For me I was never against the idea of moving to a new house for I had no friends who make it difficult to leave a place and with my father's perennial transfers, new cities and rather not so new houses were no new to us, quite a humdrum actually, but every now and then we come across some haunted house or 'a bit occupied', as their owners like to say,

 but no house we ever stayed in was as comparably creepy as this house of which I am going to tell, in fact it said on the plate 'man! this is trouble', no it didn't actually but it should say or else one who dares to enter could end up as a victim in a horror movie made, based on a 'TRUE STORY'. Still we entered, I mean someone's got be the character in a 'TRUE' story. 

So mostly these houses are still home to people who used to live in these houses, well, I am not very sure of the term that should be used in this case (people still dead in this house, probably?) but I am sure, they are not very found of guests. They make you realise who's the boss. Taking about horror movies, I mean, trust me, go out and watch a creepy movie more than half of them are about a house purchase that didn't go as planned, and the purchaser generally ends up with smacking potoframes, creeking doors and other ghostly hobbies.'You know! it never gets old''neither do we'a conversation between ghosts.

Ok now enough of the movies so our this house was on an isle, locally 'isle of wraiths' I mean seriously what else do need to realise 'Isle of the please stay away from here ', I bet I will still be there.So we were finally on the spot it wasn't something that you would run away from but it had some sense of creepiness with it, it made us feel a bit uneasy at first but like every horror movie it was ignored as a affect of a bit long journey.Anyways it was just another island, atlest that's what I said to myself. Once it used to be a british colony now it was a abandoned island with some colonial houses.Keep the ghosts for a while, and there were myths of creatures that whiled on the shores of the island at midnight, they were believed to be creepy and hungry,..'let's just hope they are vegetarian' said my father jokingly.Moving to a seaside bunglow seemed a pretty good idea but not every seaside is that lovely, 

The house had many rooms out of which most were locked on been asked to opened 'we don't need that much rooms there are plenty available, thankyou very much' said I to the dealer who was a old lady maybe in her eighties but rather fit for her age 'no problem, darling' she said polietly seperate from her creepy voice. She told us more about the house, it's history, the owners and why was it 'a bit occupied' there were stories tracking back hundreds of years but to my father they were no better than the price. She showed us the rooms, lobby, kitchen and finally the swimming pool it did look a bit creepy but it had something even frightning with it 'the sunken treasure' she told us that people believed that 

'once a pirate landed on the coast of the Isle and the house was the first thing that came into his sight and being severly wounded he insted of burrying the treasure, captured, 

he pushed the treasure in this very swimming pool and himself took a fatal plunge and drowned in this very pool'

'what after that?' I asked

'Neither the corpse nor the treasure was ever seen, there were several attempts to find the treasure but no one ever found the sunken treasure. People believe the treasure is gaurded by the pirate's soul, the pool too is thought to be keeping the treasure' she said it from a high to low note adding suspense 

'better to know swimming beforehand' I said 

'funny one little guy, now let me show you the gallry', 'sure' said my father. 

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