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It was a regular afternon as you would expect it to be in marzadina, never heard of it, even I hadn't untill I got there. The sky was silent and so were the streets everything right where it stood a hour or may be a day or a decde ago and there I was, in the middle of Muro street, for start it wasn't a street on which you may see big stores or malls like the ones in big cities rather, after a quite haul I was able ro find, a store, a big one atleast compared to the other ones, a old one with the vintage sign boards and stuff.

It was actually a vintage store selling old stuff, me having nothing much to do in that town I decided to pay the place a visit.

It was getting dark so I decided to just go have a look and come back for my friends grandpas home to whome we came but my friends caught some cold so he told me to 'explore' the town or mess as it was.

I entered the store the atore owner appeared sitting on a desk at the corner puffing a cigret, he noded for welcome but without any expression, ok, well I didnt meet many citizens of the town but it seemed everybidy in the town was like the shopkeeper expressionless.

The store had clothing that appeared to be worn out, why would anyone buy that stuff, I wondered then I loked for some other stuff there were some toys, dolls that were as you would expect in a town like that, creepy. so I kept some distance, as i walked deeper in the store I found a t shirt to be particularly attracting it was a black one with 'Wake Up' on it with the 'up' inverted, I liked it so I asked tor the price 'a buck' he said without even a look at the t shiry.

He was busy with his pocket watch which too apered very old pr vintage as some would say but he heed no attention, it didnt had a tag or any size indicated on it so I decided to try it on, the room was just at my back so I headed into that it fited perfect, I viewed from different angles it was perfecly fit knowing no ones watching I made a rock hand sigh amd made a vehement wisper 'yeah!, wake up!' but I shut up as I realised it was a bit loud, I got my t shirt back on as I moved towards the door. The door was jammed, I tried opning it but it was totally jamed, I smacked it then pushed it, it was a half an hour and a dozen knocks and calls made by me that the door strangly opened creeking, I took a sigh, for I thought I might en up staying there all nig, I walked to the desk, there was no one at it, I looked aroumd fot the owner, no one absoloutly no one except the silence, stalls and dummies. 

'hello' I called for anyone there, no reply, so I decided I didnt like that t shirt that much and it was already dark so I planned to leave, sure it was a cool design I might find some of them back at home. I walked to the door, there was a creek soumd from the back, I turned, still no one, after a while I again mooved a step there again was the same sound and again it was as if becoming closer as I mooved 'hello, is anyone there?' I asked, I had left the shirt back at the desk again no reply I reached the door it had a 'OPENED' sign on it, wait if theres a opened sign inside then the out.., I pused as I squeshed the handle it was locked, I was late the store had closed by now, what I was goimg to do now, I was worried for I knew no one except for my friend and his gradpa in this strane town, just when I thought it was horribe that the floor creeked again, it was the dummies, they were still but closer that they were to the entrance when I walked in, was it me, or something really was wrong about that place.

My heart came to my throat pimimg so hard, my ears herd it when the foot of the dummie moved it took a step, I so wanted to not believe that which I did untill another one moved and so did the other dummies the were coming towards me, naturally, I screemed I pused the door smackes it but I dont know ehat it was made up of non of anythin affected the door.

by now I managed to believe this waant really happning it was just me, but i could see them i swallowed in freight amd ran to the desk to hing beneth it it had a telephone, my mobile as all the phines in the town had no connection but the telephone must have connection or I hoped it did. I called for the police, there it was, no signal, I didnt realised that while I searced for the telephone on the desk my hand accidently thew the pocket watch that still laiid on the table on the floor.

It was later after the sound stoped that I poped out of the desk to see all the dumies were back at their place. so I was right it was just me, they didnt actually mooved but before a moment went by again it took a step this time I knew their idleness had something to do with the watch I took the watch and turnes it back a hour suddenly I was back just out of the trial room in which I was stuck as I saw the watch was there on the desk this time I didnt tooka ch I ran all the way tonthe door it said 'CLOSED' on the inside this time I ran out of it all the way to my frnds house.


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