Chapter 6: Horror Movie Drabbles

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Todoroki's P.O.V

Walking away, I noticed Uraraka sitting at a table with cheeks still flushed. I grabbed her a water bottle and sat down beside her.

"So Midoria huh?" I ask passing her the cold beverage. Grabbing the bottle she chugged it half way down. 

"God, is it that obvious?" she grumbles glancing at Midoria who was talking with the others.

"Yes,but dont worry he's oblivious." I reply trying to seem reassuring.

"Thank God, but then again, crap! I'm really bad at hiding it." she grimaces downing the rest of the water.

"Honestly I just guessed, if I or anyone else, were in that situation they would probably act the same way." I say patting her back.

"You think so? Thanks Todoroki." she sighs with a smile forming. After a second of quiet she walked over and began to talk to the crowd of girls. Even though the both of us like the same person i cant find myself being jealous but more happy for her and that I seem to have made a friend. After a little bit of just looking around i ended up just finding a group and hanging with them for the rest of our break.

Once everyone was settled in again i noticed that Ururaka and Iida are sitting in new places,  leaving Midoria alone.

"Hey where did the rest of your trio go?" I ask sitting down near him.

"Well Uraraka decided to sit with the girls and Iida sat by Aoyama and Tokoyami." He said with a sigh.

"Mind if i sit here?" I ask glancing over at him, Midoria then patted the floor next to him leaving me to scoot over. "So what do you think of the movie so far?" i whisper trying to start a conversation, since there are multiple going on around us.

"Usually I don't like horror movies because of the jumpscares, plus the plots are usually bad and really boring." he replied with a heavy sigh,"But even though it has jumpscares, I kinda like it. The plot is actually good and it has a nice mystery aspect." as the conversation he begins to ramble about his predictions for the end, with me adding in the occasional reply or addition which made our conversation last. Until the next jumpscare that is, when it happened, Midoria jumped and ended up grabbing my arm in a death grip. 

"S-sorry I didnt mean to latch on to you!" he stammered, quickly releasing from my arm, his face growing red.

"Its fine, you just got scared and used your reflexes." i reply nonchalantly leaving us in silence with our main focus on the movie.

The rest of the movie was good, I was slightly surprised with the plot twist, Midoria on the other-hand, was whispering "i knew it!" loudly. The movie being over left us to our own devices with some getting up and moving around. I decided after Midoria left that i would go and talk with Uraraka.

"Hey Todoroki, how'd you like the rest of the movie?" She asks as we both sat at the bar we were at previously.

"It was good." I reply sipping my coffee i had made.

"I know right? That plot twist was really good too!" She agrees sipping her own.

"Midoria kinda called it so it didn't really shock me that much, he seemed really proud of himself at the end." I sigh taking a swig.

"why doesn't that surprise me." she mumbled shaking her head with a chuckle.

"Speaking of Midoria, how come you didnt sit by him?" i ask confusedly.

"Oh my gosh! i didnt even realize! I need to go apologize to him!" she stammered getting up. Watching her walk away i see her sheepishly apologize. Midoria being his dense self replied with is usual oblivious smile, and as i can assume, forgiving her. Once they began to chat I walked over to Momo who seemed to be writing something down on a notepad.

"Hey Momo. I greet, taking a seat next to her.

"Hello Todoroki." she replies still scribbling on the small notepad.

" What are you writing there?"I ask leaning in and looking over her shoulder.

"Just game and entertainment ideas," she says with a sigh "Do you have any ideas?".

"Nope, what do you have down right now?" I ask shooting it a quick glance.

" Just average party things. Spin the bottle, 7 minutes in heaven, karaoke, board games,more movies, the list goes on." she sighs scratching her head."I just don't know if any of these are okay."

"they're fine Momo just pick one in a little when were bored and we'll play it." i reassure her. Going off topic we ended up chatting for a bit, it was nice, usually i don't talk much but i was having fun i guess.


Authors Note: hey guys I tried getting this one out before school started (I did) and I hope you all like it! Also when Momo was listing the stuff to do, I was thinking that maybe you all can vote in the comments on which to do next! Anyways I gotta go now. I'll try to post another chapter in a week or two, the votes will determine what order I'll do them (since I wanna do them all) but yeah hope you all have a good day/night and good luck to you all that are starting or have already started school! Bye!

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