First day crazyness

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I head down to yhe great hall alone for breakfast and walk over to harry and ron.

" morning guys" i say to them and they make way for me to sit down inbertween them

" guess what, pansy this bitch in my dorm has a pic of malfoy beside her bed and kissed it last nigh" i say Laughing

And they laugh to

" so emma after school do you want to walk around the school together?" ron asks nervisly

" yea.." i say then i coulnt finsh cause some thing hit me from behind.

I turn around to the slytherine table and see waving to me to come over.

I shake my head and turn back to finsh what i was saying then draco punch me in the arm, but not that hard

" what i was ron" i say rubbing my arm.

" you wanna go to the forest after school, theres this realy cool place and.." he says happily the i cut him off

" um no im going with ron around the castle after school." i say nicely.

" um, some other time then?" he asks hopeing i would say yes

" mabey" i say , he smiled but a sad smile

He walm off and pansy ran up to him.You could tell he hated pansy and got anoyed with her and push her away.

Flying class...

" when i say, bet on your brooms and kick of and hover above the ground." the teacher said firmly

We all got on and and we kicked off.

Me, harry and ron were trying to get each other off our brooms.

Then nevil fly up in the air scard.

He could controll it and he fly up around the school then fell off and landed on his wrist

We all ran over and he nerly cryed and the techer helped him up.

" if i see anyone up in the air you will never atend this school" we hear her say.

Then she left.

Me and harry talk about what to do now and then ron says

" what do we do now" rons asks everyone

Then draco starts laughing to his friends then says it to us

" maby if wasnt so fatm he wouldnt of fall on his fat ass, insted maby on his legs." he laughs then others start to laugh

" shut up malfoy, it isnt his fault he couldnt controll his broom" i say caimly

" well you camt fly either so shut up" he says not smilying.

I give him a devilish look and say

" ok, draco to the lake and back,or are you a wossy" i say then people start laughing at draco

Draco looks pissed of and he nods

We Kick of at the sam time and we were neck to neck.

We reach the lake and race back and we tie.

" not bad for a girl." draco and his friends laugh

" what do you mean " for a girl" cant you handle a girl" i say then all of grifindor laugh

He glares at me

" take a picture it lasts longer" i say and now everyone starts to laugh.

Then miss magonagle come ups to us

" detention both of you, starting now." she says and we unhappily walk slowing in side her office

Everyone laughs and draco wispers to me

" looks like your boyfriend cant go kissing any more" he laughs then i say

" you would like that" i say laughing then he glares at me

That night.

We had both just finsh a 1 million word easy about the rules of school

She walks in and she collects her work

" now you both must plant roses around the padics." she says and show us out side and tells us the pants are already there

The two of us walk to the padics and we look at the castle.

" wow its realy big" i say and i get to work

" what are you doing" draco says

I look at him like his crazy

" let me " then he does a spell and they all plant in seconds

He gives me a side smile and we sit down together looking at the castle

" soooo....." draco says bordly

" you wanna go swimming?" he says with a devilish look

" no its frezzing" i say

He grabbs my hands and pulls me down to the lake running.

He takes his top off and waits for me

" draco i dont even like you" i say without a care about him

" dont you ever have any fun" he asks me smilying

" im going to bed" i say and walk off.

He run up to me still puting on his top

" any girl will fall for me but why dont you even like me as a friend?" draco asks and we walk

" so you expect me to fall for me" i say trying to lose him

" why do you hate me" draco adds

" i dont be friends with jerks" i say walking into the castle

" whats wrong with you, im popular" draco say starts to get angry

" popularity isnt everything" i say smirking

" wait, you so like ron, dont you" he say suprized

" no just as friends and whats it to you" i say then go to the slytherine room

" wait remember the bet we had on they train, and that we would kiss me" he says

" didnt agree to it" i say and go to my dorm

And i see the girl twins my bed talking

They see me and make way for me to sit down

" so what did you two do together..alone...all day" kate says laughing

I roll my eyes and say to them

" we we did a essay then planted flowers then he wanted to go swimming but i didnt" i say

They light up smilying happiy and say

" you know he likes you." lily says and pansy draggs me down to the common room

" he doesnt like you he is in love with me so dont go near him" she screams

" i hate him he is mean and selfish, and he follows me so take him away" i say then draco walks down

" there you go pansy to your boyfriend" i say

Then draco goes back to bed

I go to bed laughing

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