Ballroom dancing practice

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Months pass and things had change

Me and draco became realy good friends

Harry and ron and i are best friends and we have our own place near the the lake, we found a tree and everyday after school we climb it or i go hang out with draco.

In 2 week time its the ball and everyone atends

" so emma what you wanna do after class" draco says as we walk to our potion class

" well its a hot day so we could go to the Hills for a walk" i replie

" or go swimming" he says smiling

" in what the frezzing lake" i say almost yelling in shock

He nods

I roll me eyes and we walk in and sit at the back like we allways do

Snape walks in grumbby as always and marches to the front

" everyone partner up, your going to do a 4 hour potion" he says


You could hear the glass moan and fee up

" what the potion were wasting our time on" a boy asks

" non of your busniss but if you sucsed you will win this" he says

He holds up a little bottle of a liquid

" it makes you speak the truth, even you know who would spill his secrets" he says

I all ready new me and draco would be partners, we always are in potions

Proberly because were both good at it

We get started and get our books and read

2 hours later....

We were up to the 1583 step And i stop and look around

Everyone was sweating and everyones hair was messed up

I see ron and harry and ron looks at me and smiles

I smile back and he goes back to work

I look at draco, sweating madly and shaking

Same with me

Everyone had finally finsh and we all gatherd around the teacher who was lokking at our disarsters

By the looks of it everyone had fail cause it was hard

" disapointing" snape murrers to himself

He walk over to the last one, ours

We both stand there anxicly waitimg to here we failed

" suprizing you two were the only ones that passed, just" he says

Everyone stared at us stunned and there mouths open of disbalife

We look at them back creeped out be them

" what did you do this time cheater" i wisper to draco

" we have a different books than others, we have the right book" he laughs

Damm we won, bet that bitches( not harry or ron there my friends)

Snape hands us the bottle of truth

I take it and i almost uell in excitment

Next class...

Miss mogonagle was teching and we didnt know what we had

We were in a big room and and all girls on one side and boys on the other

" as you may of heard were are having the ball and the first years are doing it at the school in the ball room" she says and all the girls start wispering excitingly and the boys just groan

" now who would like to demerstraight?" she ask wait for someone

I see rom wissper to harry something like " this is a joke" he says and him amd harry laugh

" ah mr weasley, would you..." she ask waitimg for him to take her hand to dance

Everyone starts laughing and ron slowly gets up and he seems like he hates it

They start and i couldnt stop laughing

They finsh and he quickly get to his seat and he says shut up to harry who is laughing

" now find a partner amd practice" she says

Everyone gets up and walks to other people.

Ron comes up to me

" wanna dance?" he asks nervisly

" or we could skip class" i say

" cant harry tryed" he says

Harry was dancing with a brown girl from india

I get up and we go to the center

" ok so put your hand on my waist and other on my shoulder" i say

He blushes but He does what i say and we start doing what everyone else is doing

I look around and draco looks realy anoyed cause he didnt want to go with someone he wanted

He was dancing with a girl and she was sqeling amd other girls was looking at her glaring

I felf bad cause all girls loved him and it was strange cause he didnt like even one

After half an hour we finsh and all the girl sat on one side and guys on the other but i sat with ron and harry and our side was exsorsted. Harry keept looking at the girl he dances with and she did the same

" well that couldnt get worse" i say

" trust me it gets worse" draco says and walks over and sits next to me

" guessing you dont like dancing?" i laugh

" no, just not the girls that follow me, its creepy" he laughs back exsorsted

" now class, i want you to practice alot till the ball, its a hogwarts tredition so must practice" the teacher says

"Also, who you practised with today, you will practise with them. every day everyone must come here and practise straight after dinner" she says and everyone groans. But i hear ron wisper to harry " sweet"

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