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Alex pov

I held Tina close as she cried herself to sleep. I knew she wouldn't be comfortable around males for a very long time, I was lucky I never knew what gender they where.

I pried her hands off my shirt and laid her down on the mattress and got her comfy. I limped and crawled down to my room and laid down on my makeshift bed on the floor.

Mom and dad didn't mind one bit, they encouraged it till I was used to  everything again. I held my stuffed dog to my chest crying a little hoping for everything to go back to normal before I was hurt from the fire, I'm almost completely healed I can walk for a little bit then fall to the ground.

I sighed and curled up then jumped screaming loudly once something cold touched my neck,  and punched them in the chest hard, probably getting everyone's attention and my door was slammed open and a screamed more and crawled under my bed frame coving my mouth as I heard something cry out

"Tina take hope to your room, calm her down and rub her stomach Alex may have broken a rib I will handle Alex" "but mom" "now young lady"

I heard my door shut softly and watched mommy sit down on the floor and sat my stuffed dog in his lap. "You know hope didn't mean to scare you right"

I crawled out crying nodding. "I'm going to have you say sorry because this was her fault but I do want you to come out and try to fall asleep again"

I crawled onto my blanket bed and slowly reached for a dog and waited till mom nodded then grabbed it then pulled it to my chest. I flinched as mom pulled my blanket over me and rubbed my arm. I know mom wants to kiss my forehead like he used to but knew I would flip out again and not make any progress.

I put my hand slowly on moms and nuzzled it for a second then let go reaching my limit and wiggles deeper into my blanket bed. "Good night Alex"

I heard my door open then shut softly I slowly shut my eyes and fell asleep into a much rewarded relaxing night sleep.

A new life (sequel to ticcimask: hard love) {completed}Where stories live. Discover now