Chapter 12

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As Amy walked down the street towards the frozen yogurt shop in her school uniform, she couldn't help but wonder why Adam wanted to meet up with her. He couldn't possibly want her to be his girlfriend because why would a world famous rockstar like him ever want to date a lowly fan like her? Especially when he was just dating a Victoria's Secret model.
As she rounded the corner, Menchies Frozen Yogurt came into view. Amy crossed the street and parking lot, then, taking a deep breath, she pulled open the door and walked in.
Cool, refreshing air met her face and Amy relaxed for a moment as the sweet smell of ice cream and berries wafted into her nostrils. She looked around. It was a cute little shop. The walls were painted a bright spring green and stripes of pink, white and baby blue raced around the top where the ceiling met the walls.
The tables and chairs were white and stood on top of a black and white checkered floor. In front of Amy was the front counter where a female employee stood behind, hopeful to help her next customer. Behind the employee were a number of frozen yogurt dispensers, each holding their own flavor or creation. A list of the all the different kinds available hung on display above them.
Then Amy's nervousness was revived as her eyes spotted Adam Levine sitting at a table closest to the window. She swallowed and realized how dry her mouth was. Why was she so nervous? It wasn't as if she hadn't talked to Adam before. Maybe she was afraid of what he would say to her? It must be important, after all he did try to call her nonstop since the fight on Friday.
Taking a deep breath that smelled of waffle cones and sprinkles, Amy forced her legs to move in Adam's direction. "Hi." She greeted, her voice shaky. Adam looked up from his phone. He was wearing dark designer shades to hide his face and a tight grey t-shirt that made his tattoo-covered biceps stand out. He had shaved, making himself look like he was in his twenties instead of his thirties. Maybe he had changed his attitude and recent habits after all.
"Hey!" Adam said, standing up. "Do you wanna get a frozen yogurt?"
"Sure!" Amy answered, relieved that they didn't have to jump into deep conversation quite yet.
After Adam ordered a wildberry jumble sorbet for Amy and creamsicle for himself, the two decided to eat their frozen yogurt at one of the tables outside, since it was a nice day.
"So, how've you been, Amy?" Adam asked in a tentative voice as he dug his spoon into his ice cream.
"Alright, I guess." Adam looked at her skeptically. "Okay, fine. Not so great. Ever since Friday I've lost the drive to concentrate and study and now I'm at the risk of getting dropped from my History of English Literature course." Amy admitted, looking down at her ice cream the entire time.
"Because of me." Adam said quietly. Amy nodded. "Look, I've been thinking a lot about what you said that day and I realized how much of a jerk I was being to you, so I stopped drinking and I cleaned my house." Adam saw the blank expression on her face, so he tried again. "Amy, I've never met anyone like you. You treat me as if I were just a normal person, yet you're a complete Maroon 5 junkie!" Amy laughed a little. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think we got off on the wrong foot. I really didn't want you to see me drunk, cause that's not who I am. And I'm not a jerk like most people think, either. If you give me a chance, I can prove that to you."
Amy looked up at Adam. The emotion in his face seemed genuine. It was a very guilty look, the kind of guilt a person loses sleep over because they can't stop thinking about their wrong-doing.
"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Amy asked slowly, picking up on his words.
"I'm asking you for your forgiveness. What I did was very unfair to you and I feel really bad about it." Amy felt one of her heartstrings start to fray as she realized Adam had avoided answering her initial question. Even though it hurt that maybe Adam didn't feel the same way about her as she felt about him, Amy was glad that he was apologizing to her. If they couldn't be lovers, at least they could be friends.
"I forgive you." Amy said after a moment. She tried her best to smile.
"You do? Oh, that's a relief." Adam answered, surprised. It was as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulders; He smiled, sat up straighter and jabbed his spoon into his ice cream enthusiastically.
"I mean, maybe now that we've cleared things up, we could maybe go out sometime." He said in a mouthful of frozen yogurt.
"Wait, you mean like a d-date?" Amy stuttered, her heart blowing up three times the size in a fraction of a second.
"Yeah." Adam answered casually.
"W-what about Behati?"
"Oh, I don't give a shit about her anymore. Completely over it. And I promise you, you're not the rebound anymore." He winked and Amy giggled.
Suddenly, Amy remembered that she was on lunch break and checked her watch to see how much time there was left before classes would start again.
"Damn, I'm gonna be late! I have to get back to the school." She stood up hurriedly and grabbed her purse and her phone from off the table.
"Man, I sure make you loose track of time!" Adam commented, startled at Amy's sudden reason to leave.
"Yeah, no kidding. Look, I'll call you this evening, okay?"
"Sure." He stood up and took Amy's left hand with his right before she could leave. She looked down at their hands and that's when she stopped her rush. She looked up into Adam's hazel eyes. How mesmerizing they were!
They stared at each other for a time that felt longer than it actually was, and then Adam slowly moved his head towards hers. Amy's heart raced as her eyes flitted from Adam's eyes to his nose and his cheeks and back. Somehow pictures in magazines never caught the freckles scattered across the bridge of his nose and below his eyes. Maybe they were always airbrushed out because they were considered an "imperfection". But Amy thought they were the most beautiful thing about his face, until she saw his lips.
They were parted slightly, the upper lip a straight line and the bottom lip full and pump. So fascinating lips were! And they were coming closer to hers.
Closer, closer. Amy could feel Adam's breaths mixing with hers. Closer. Amy closed her eyes as their noses touched, then she tilted her head slightly and closed the last inch of a gap between them.
As they kissed, Adam started to get carried away but Amy pulled back before it could turn into a make out session and without even saying goodbye, she turned on her heel and bolted down the road back to the university, leaving Adam completely dazed.

I'm sooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in forever!! It's just that I've had writers block and then cuz it's summer I've been so busy doing nothing (stuck in the house all day watching tv gives me no motivation to do anything whatsoever) and then Adam and Behati's wedding happened and for a while I lost the drive to keep writing this story bc you know, what's the point? But then I think of you guys and how much you love this story, so I just wanted to give you something! So anyway, vote up this chapter if you liked it and tell me what you think! I hope this writers block doesn't come back, but if it does, please be patient with me!! :)

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