Chapter 5: The Zen?

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Everyone wants HAPPINESS,

No one wants PAIN, but

You can't make a RAINBOW with a little rain.


The bright light shining through my bedroom window woke me up this morning. Now I really wish I closed to curtains. My sleep is precious on a Saturday morning. On Friday I stay up all night doing homework or watching T.V. and Saturdays I sleep all day. It's a pretty organized schedule.

The light shining through the window is irritating me right about now. I get up to close my curtains then hop straight back in the bed.

"Keirraaaa!" I hear Nicole yell as soon as I got back in a comfortable position.

I groan out loud then I open my eyes and look at my alarm clock across from my bed, that read 12:02 pm.

I grab my blanket off my bed and wrap myself in it and head down stairs.

"What" I yell once I reach the top stairs of the stairs.

"We're in the living room, honey" I hear Nicole yell back.

We're, honey? That can only mean one thing, dads home!

I rush down the stairs and run into the living room and come to abrupt stop once I reach the living room. I'm stared back at Nicole and Jase!

Wow, how dare he get my hopes up like that! He's sitting on the couch next to Nicole, who's starring at me with her jaw hanging out and Jase just stares at me with a weird grin. What's up with them?

"Well don't you look lovely" Jase says chuckling a little.

Holy Crap.

I just realized what I must look like half wrapped in a blanket and my hairs probably a knotted mess, but worst of all I'm half naked since my pajamas are some shorts, shorts (that could be underwear) and very revealing crop top.


I wrap my blanket over my front then give him my best death glare. Nicole just blinks rapidly then gives us both confused looks.

She clears here throat, breaking me and Jase out of our current stare down and turning our attention to her.

"Jase here was just telling me that he wanted to take you out." Nicole tells me politely

I look at Jase in disbelief.

"Yes, I wanted to take you to lunch at that diner downtown since you drove me to school this week." Jase say in the most innocent voice I ever heard him use.

"Keira, why is this my first time hearing about this amazing boyfriend of yours?" Nicole says smiling at Jase the whole time.

"As if, I would date someone like him! Not in a million years" I stick my tongue out of at him very childish like.

Nicole give me a confused look then looks at Jase for answer. What's that all about?

"She likes to deny our love" Jase tells Nicole nonchalantly and Nicole nods understanding

Can you believe them!

"Whatever" I tell them rolling my eyes, turning to head upstairs.

"Wait!" Jase calls after me.

"Are you coming or not" he ask more serious than early.

I open my mouth to speak but Nicole beats me to it.

"Of course, she's coming." Nicole says giving me a go get ready look.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a few." I tell him in a annoyed voice then heading upstairs.

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