Chapter 1: Hell As I Know It

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You can't start the next chapter in your life

If you keep re-reading the last one.


Saturdays are the days every teenager spends hanging out with their friends or in my high school case swapping spit at parties. Since I've never participated in either activity my Saturdays were spent the same every weekend. Either doing homework or being a social media zombie.  In this particular case, it happens to be the second option. I'm scrolling down Facebook since both Snapchat and Instagram became too boring.

My Instagram account is evidence enough of my lack of social status considering I have less than 100 followers who are either weird celebrity fan pages or old relatives still trying to fit in. On the other hand, there's Snapchat which I'm on so much there are absolutely no more stories to watch. So, as a result, you can catch me every other weekend on Facebook around 3:00 am.

Because of my nocturnal lifestyle, I'm wide awake scrolling through my feed watching random clips. I clicked on the watch tab ready to find my next drama movie clip to beige. I lean over my laptop grabbing my apple juice off of my nightstand taking a couple of sips only to place it back in the same position. When I turn my attention back to my laptop screen I notice I've got a new friend request.

This is peculiar in my specific case considering I have no friends. Not Facebook friends but no friends in real life, let say I'm a bit of a "loner" at school.

More like a loser.

So, on Facebook just like Instagram I only have family members on here. Which is more than likely who this friend request is from, right now.

Three in the morning though, really?

When I click on the friend request notification, I soon realize it's a boy. Some guy name Toby Lynn looked way too young to any old relative of mine. I clicked on his page to get a closer look at his profile picture.


Cute was a huge understatement to describe him.

Pretty? No
Beautiful? Not exactly
Gorgeous? Yep, that's it!

Gorgeous was the perfect word to describe his chocolate shaggy brown hair, his mint green eyes, and to top it off a killer smile making him an extremely attractive human being. Yeah, theirs no way in hell he's related to me, at least I hope not.

Calm down, Keira It's a friend's request, not a sex invitation.

I ignore my annoying inner thoughts and continue swiping through his pictures swearing he gets more gorgeous with every swipe. Sounds impossible, I know!

Not for him.

Okay, this is kind of sad, I know. Let's just say this is my first EVER online encounter with a good-looking guy my age. Well, who wasn't a relative of mine. When I put it like that it does make my life seem pretty sad.

More like pathetic.

At that moment a brave, outside-of-the-box idea popped into my head. Why don't I just message him!

Yeah right like that would ever happen.

Yep, right about now, my inner asshole is beginning to irritate me.  I can just message him and ask him why he added me. I mean it's only the friendly thing to do. I mean it's a harmless question, he wouldn't mind. He might even reply to me.

Yeah. Who am I kidding?

Hey do ik you? Not trying to be rude or anything jw... in the time period of 12 minutes that's all I came up with. After typing then retyping and talking myself in and out of it. I finally decide that its the perfect message. I move my mouse over the send button and right as I was about to press it. I come to the realization that...

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