Chapter 3: Detention

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Strong but then weak

Happy but then sad

Sometimes feeling hopeful

Always dreading the bad

Scared and uncertain

Where will it end

Then you come to the assumption

That it's only began


"Are you ready Miss Badass?"

There's a long pause...

"I-I uh don't know I-I mean I'm not su-re Just um give me a second " I finally manage to sputter out and as soon as the sentence comes out my mouth Jase bangs on the detention room door.

When does I don't know, mean bang on the door like a maniac?

Before I can give him my best death glare, the door swings open revealing a huge man, who I'm guessing is our detention instructor. I've been going to school for almost four years now and never for any reason had I had any reason to enter this very room. A cool chill ran down the back of my spine at the thought of stepping inside.
I look at Jase to see if he was as terrified as I was, but he was already halfway into the classroom leaving me standing there.


The teacher closes the door behind us and asked for our detention slips. We both do as we're told and hand him our write-ups.

"Take a seat." he says in a deep husky voice after skimming over our detention slips.

Without even scanning the room I take a seat at the desk in the front of the classroom like I always do.

"What are you doing?" Jase asks me with a confused expression

"Sitting what does it look like?" I tell him giving him my best duh look.

I assume he was going to roll his eyes and walk away, but to my surprise, he reaches down beside me, and pick up my backpack off the floor.

"What are you d-" my words are cut short once I feel the warmth of his hand around mine.

He pulls me up and drags me to the back of the room sitting me down at the desk in the second to last row of the classroom. As his grip around my hand loosens the intense beating of my heart starts to slow down as well. He places my backpack at my feet. Taking a seat at the desk behind me kicking his feet up and placing his hands behind his head getting comfortable.

"What was that for?" I ask him genuinely curious.

"I just thought you shouldn't waste a good opportunity like this being lame." Jase says not even bothering looking up from the ceiling.

"What is that suppose to mean?"

I continue staring at him dumbfounded, searching for a better answer. Rather than acknowledging my gaze or my question he closes his eyes, with his face still towards the ceiling, and chooses to ignore my presence altogether.


I realize it's best not to try to comprehend the thought process of an asshole. Just as I roll my eyes deciding to give up on my one-sided stare-off. I hear someone clear their throat, behind me. That's when I finally notice that we're not alone in here. I look up slowly to see William Taylors, ASO High biggest bad boy, and his 3 minions all giving me a weird look. Once my eyes meet theirs they turn into the most charming, yet cheesiest smiles I have ever seen.

Kill me now.

Got stuck in detention with the Fab Four, fuck my life.

The Fab Four (the nickname ASO girls came up with them) are the 4 most handsome boys to walk our school halls.

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