Chapter One

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Julia's POV

"Come on madi wadi! We're gonna be late" I said.

"Julia what did I tell you about calling me that!" Madi growled. I chuckled.

"You would stab me in the eye with a fork and then make me eat it. Now come on the boys plane will be landing soon" I grabbed her by the jacket and dragged her out to my car.

Me and Madi had been best friends for as long as I could remember, we were always together but we liked to keep to ourselves, well that was until 4 boys pushed their way into our lives. Calum, Ashton, Michael and Luke had pushed themselves into our tiny group in high school and ever since then we had been inseparable. Well that had been before the boys had made a band and were then discovered by the world. They'd made it big and right now were on a plane home from a year long tour with One Direction.

"Madi would you sit still you're making the car shake" I laughed.

"I cant! I'm too excited" she gushed.

After I had found a parking space close to the entrance we both jumped out the car and ran into the large airport.

"Their plane is landing in 10 minutes" Madi pointed out. We both walked/ran to the doors where the boys would be exiting.

"What do you think they'll say?" Madi asked.

"I dont know, they've changed so much, I wonder if they'll even recognise me" I said.

Madi and the boys had been facetimeing and skypeing a lot but I hadn't really. Not because I didnt like them cause I do, it's just cause I had been facetimeing them a lot at the beginning of their tour, but then Madi posted a video of me on skype with Calum and I started getting death threats and hate so I just stopped, which I really didnt like, I had the biggest crush on Calum but I couldn't really do anything about it.

"I'm sure they will" Madi rubbed my arm in a soothing way. She knew I liked calum but she also knew that the hate had got me in a bad way. Just then the doors opened and people started to pile out, I stood on my tippy toes trying to see them.

"I see a quiff" I said getting nervous and excited at the same time.

Madi chuckled. "That's Luke"

"MADI!" she was then suddenly tackled by 4 boys.

"Wait where's Julia? Did she not come with you?" Calum asked.

I stood there awkwardly. "Actually she was the one who drove and she is standing right there" Madi pointed at me, they all turned towards me. I smiled and lifted my hand in an awkward wave.

"Julia? Wow" Calum breathed.

"Come here you little shithead" Calum laughed, picking me up and spinning me round.

"You look better than I remembered, so how you been doing? We've missed you a lot" Calum said laughing.

"Thanks I guess", I laughed "and I've been doing good, I'm working in a nursery now so life's good" I said.

"That's good, what you've always wanted to do, I'm so proud of you" he said, looking down at his hands.

"Hey guys, why don't we go get something to eat, I'm starving!" Luke said laughing.

"Yeah same here, anybody else craving Italian?" Calum exclaimed.

"Me!" Ashton shouted.

We helped with the boys bags, and set off to my car.

We got takeaway from the local Italian restraint as we were too tired to wait for a table at the place. We finally got all our food which the boys kindly payed for even though we insisted multiple times and set off back to my place. A ten minute drive and we were there, everyone clambered out of the car and into my house, straight away getting plates, cutlery and drinks and tucking into their food.

A few hours later and we were all sat in my lounge watching whatever was on tv, but Calum was asleep.

"Okay Julia, while Calum is asleep just tell us how incredibly in love with him you are again" Ashton said with a huge smile on his face.

"What?! How do you know-" suddenly I knew what had happened. I turned towards Madi who had the most nervous look on her face.

"Before you say anything, he got it out of me, okay?!" she blurted out.

"Yeah, okay, I don't care actually anymore, he doesn't like me that way and he never will" I said, feeling a pang of sadness deep down.

"He does though" Michael finally spoke up.

"Wait, what?" I was clearly shocked by this new information.

"Yeah he always goes on about you. Julia this, Julia that, he never shuts up once he gets started" Michael carried on.

I was shocked but happy at the same time, I couldn't believe what I'd just heard.

Calum's POV

"Shit" I thought. We were all in Julia's lounge and the other guys thought I'd fallen asleep when I was only pretending. And right now if heard Michael and his big mouth telling Julia that I liked her. Okay, I liked her a lot. But hearing just before Michael opened his big mouth surprised me the most, she liked me back. I was so excited, even though I was going to kill Michael later on, I couldn't believe that she actually liked me back. Now I just have to ask her out...

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