Monday morning

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* "Keke do you love me?" "Yes drake I love you" Drake took me in his arms and held me close, he was FINE.  As he leaned In close to kiss me holding my face ever so softly


I opened my eyes and saw my brothers ugly face smiling down at me. " WAKE UP WASTEMAN!!!!"
"Shut up you tramp" I responded while putting my pillow over my head and swiftly sticking up my middle finger. " Nah it's the first day of term for you, whereas I get to go back to sleep, peace tramp".

I groaned dragging my self out of bed wearing a massive t-shirt and putting my slides on my feet. I made my way to my chest of drawers pulling it open I took out a pair of black knee-high socks and a black t-shirt bra and some black panties.

I put them on the bed then I went to my wardrobe and took out a white shirt off the hanger and my black school jumper and skirt and put them on my bad.

I then made my way to the bathroom taking my phone with me. I then connected my phone to the speakers and blasted my morning playlist. I took off my clothes and put them in the wash basket stepping in the shower. Icy girl by saweetie was playing and I was singing along while squirting the shower gel on my body.

" cause I'm icy, wifey. Haters wanna fight me.
Never been the one to get rip'd  a white tee"

After I finished my shower I grabbed my towel and stepped out of the bath taking my phone with me. After I dried myself off I creamed up and sprayed my deodorant then I got dressed and oiled up my legs before putting my socks on.
I then took my bonnet off and took out my Bantu Knots and put some olive oil in my hair and began to comb it out with a wide tooth comb. I then did a line down the middle of my head and gelled up the sides and put my hair in two puffs, before applying lip balm. I then sprayed myself with some Victoria secret pure seduction and grabbed my phone and ran downstairs.

"Morning mummy,"I said wrapping my arms around her giving her a hug. "Morning Keke," she said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I grabbed some chicken from the pot making myself a sandwich and boiling the kettle to have some peppermint tea( I know I'm supposed to be having breakfast but "normal breakfast" doesn't fill me up).

"TEJ AND COCO GET DOWN HERE" my mum shouted while she finished scooping eggs out the pan. Coco ran down the stairs as fast as anything with  T trailing behind her stomping his way down rubbing the sleep out of his eye wearing basketball shorts.

"U alright mummy," he said hugging her towering over her as he did so due to his height. " yeah I'm fine Tej," she said hugging him back. Coco high fived my mum and ran to her plate to begin shovelling food into her mouth. Tej sat down as well and we all looked like a bunch of ravenous wolves eating our food meanwhile mum stared at us in disgust and disbelief.

"Anyway, I've got to go..." I started. " Ayyyy not before u wash up ur plate" my mum stopped me. " Mum I'm gonna be late" I groaned. "me no care u are going to wash up that plate" I dragged my feet to the sink doing as I was told mentally rolling my eyes as I didn't dare to actually roll my eyes.

"Okay bye coco," I said hugging her. "Safe T," I said spudding him " Safe G" he replied spudding me back. "Bye mummy," I said hugging her before putting on my all black air max 97's and grabbing my iPhone 7s, my puffer coat and my handbag I got from river island. It was January but I refused to wear a pair of trousers which is ironic as I don't really know how to act in a skirt and I constantly wear jeans because I hate skirts but oh well.

I walked down to the bottom of the street where I met Destiny. "Wagwan bestie boo" I sang hugging my best friend. " Nothing babygyal," she said, immediately laughing after her attempt to be road. We walked linking arms talking about our expectations for the new term and what Christmas was like and the new year.

We were approaching the corner shop so we decided to stop to get some stuff. I picked up a bottle of Ribena, a packet of prawn cocktail crisps and a white Kinder Bueno, Destiny picked up a Fanta fruit twist, a Twix and a packet of Thai sweet chilli walkers sensations. As we went to check out I saw a bunch of the stupid boys from our school, as usual, messing around pushing each other into the crisps display, then running out of the store. Idiots🙄

As we were paying for our stuff Destiny nudged me. "Ooooh Keke look at him," she said not even attempting to whisper. I looked by the door and saw a tall dark skin black boy with brown eyes and a fresh cut with studs in his ears and slits in his eyebrows. He was extremely good looking. He was wearing our school uniform with a big black north face jacket wearing a Nike backpack. I could see him giving me the side eye, but I was trying to play it cool.

Now confession time, I LOVE roadmen. Like I love their whole image and bad boy vibe I just think it's so attractive. Now don't get it twisted I don't like wannabees who think they can buy a north face jacket or start dropping a "peng" or a "wagwarn " here and there and their automatically a roadman. Like Nah, stop it

I walked out of the shop to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come. The boy from the shop came out after us. He seemed to be by himself waiting for the bus as well, so being the nice person I am I decided to chat to him.  " Hi, my name's Keke. Sorry if I'm disturbing you but I couldn't help but notice you were by yourself, are u new ?"

"Yeah, my name's Shadow but everyone calls me scrapz". "Nice to meet you scrapz," I said shaking his gloved hand. He smiled showing me his pearly whites. LAWD this guy is too fit. But I ain't even looking at him like that, I'm not interested in boys at the moment tbh.

*Alright guys so that's it until next time bye guys✌🏽💋❤️

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