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I stared at my hands, frowning.

There was still mud on them, smudges of blackish brown against the pale and freckled skin. My chest ached and each breath took conscious effort; I audibly wheezed with each exhale.

Aunt Meg and Sam were stood by the front door shoulder-to-shoulder, blocking me in. Jake, Jared, Quil and Embry were dotted around the room in more casual stances, but with tense expressions. Paul sat beside me on the sofa, hands laced together and elbows resting on his knees. No one was talking.

Paul was gone when I'd woken up. I remembered falling asleep clinging to his hand, with him sat on the floor and leaning against the couch. His face had relaxed in sleep—no longer darkened by irritability or discomfort. It made him look younger. Then he'd turned up around half an hour later with the others, claiming to have called Aunt Meg to come and pick me up.

"Is someone going to start talking, or...?"

My voice was croakier than I expected, throat dry and scratchy. Jake looked at Sam and Jared let out a sigh, Aunt Meg's eyes fixated on my face.

"We understand that you're probably...confused," Sam started, clearing his throat.

"Bit freaked out, too, I reckon," Jared added, smile inching toward a smirk.

I arched an eyebrow. "Little bit."

"How are you feeling?" Aunt Meg said.

"Fine," I replied. "Bit left out of whatever's going on here that you all know about and are choosing not to tell me, but fine."

"I'm taking you to Dr Cullen after this, just in case," Meg mumbled, electing to ignore my response.

The room chilled at the mention of Carlisle.

I blinked. "What? Did he jab you guys with a needle too hard or something?"


"What do you remember about last night?" Sam asked, tone curt.

I squirmed a little. "I was walking in the woods and thought someone was chasing me, so I ran. Then I fell..." I sucked in a breath. "This woman pinned me down. She was freakishly strong, and I couldn't breathe—I thought she was going to kill me. But then, she just, sort of, disappeared."

None of them reacted like I was crazy. In fact, their expressions barely changed. I expected laughter or even anger at the ridiculousness of my story but got nothing.

"That's all you remember?" Sam pressed.

I sighed. "Well, I was light-headed at this point, but...I think I saw some animals of some kind."

Silence again.

"There was growling and barking. I didn't see them properly but..." I scratched the back of my neck. "I think they were wolves."

This got a reaction.

Sam's jaw tensed and Aunt Meg sighed, Jared's grin widening as Jake looked embarrassed. Quil and Embry exchanged a look that was almost smug, and Paul leaned back into the sofa. My eyes flitted between each of their faces and my stomach dropped.

"There are no wolves in Washington, though, right?" I said, a little desperate.

They didn't say anything.


"Well..." Jared said, disproportionate glee in his eyes. "Dog's out of the bag, guys."

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