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"Why are we going, again?"

Aunt Meg sighed, glancing sideways at me as she turned off the road onto a bumpy, woodland track. "Because we might be useful. The newborns will have no idea about Sirens."

"What are we going to do, scream at them and then faint? Sounds effective."

"You didn't have to come," she said.

I scowled. "I'm not staying home alone while you're all together."

She shook her head.

"Maybe I could induce my labour in time for the battle," I joked, a little sourly. "We could use that screaming to our advantage."

We pulled up beside a silver Volvo and a large Jeep in a clearing that was sliced down the middle by a line of felled trees. The Cullens were stood spread out along the line, conversing in twos or threes and dressed in activewear. Bella was with them, wearing a woolly hat and glued to Edward's side, and looked over her shoulder as Meg and I got out the car.

"Meg," Carlisle called out, jogging over to us. "Glad you found it."

Meg wrapped an arm around him in a short hug. "It was easy enough, really."

He stepped back and looked at me, offering a wide, toothy smile. "How are you today, Imogen?"

"Light-headed," I said, returning the smile.

"Oh." He frowned.

Meg elbowed me in the arm. "She's fine."

"Right," he said. "We're just waiting on Sam."

I made eye contact with Jasper as I waddled over to Bella and smiled. He stuck his tongue out at me and I crossed my eyes, Bella watching me in amusement as I sat down beside her on a moss-covered log.


"Hi," I huffed, already out of breath. "Jesus, what did I just walk? Like, five steps? Fucking hell."

She chuckled. "I mean..."

"So, how's protective custody going?"

She sighed. "Tense."

I grimaced.

"Edward will hardly let me out of his sight," she said. "And I can't leave the house without worrying about Charlie."

I patted her hand. "Charlie's safe. Victoria wants to hurt Edward, I doubt he's on her radar."

She blinked. "Comforting, and yet really not."

I winked at her. "Just to spice things up a bit."

Edward and Rosalie were blocking through a simulated fight whilst Alice and Carlisle watched the treeline on the other side of the clearing with meditative concentration. Esme fussed over Emmett, trying to make him let her zip up the pocket of his jacket that was hanging open, but he was batting her away with childish stubbornness whilst Jasper chuckled.

"How do you think this is going to go?" Bella asked, trying to keep her voice down.

"I don't know," I mused. "They might surprise us and not act like five-year-olds."

She pressed her lips together. "Don't get my hopes up."

"I'll try not to fall in love with you as well," I said, nudging her with my elbow. "Ease your burden a bit."

Clearer (J.HALE)Where stories live. Discover now