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I stretched my arms out above my head and let out a long yawn. I couldn't really remember falling asleep, but for the first time in weeks, I hadn't dreamed. I actually felt rested.

"Morning. Or, evening, really."

I lifted my head as swiftly as I could manage, wincing at the strain on my neck. Jasper was sat at the table, flicking through a book with his feet up on a chair. I blinked rapidly at him.

"What are you doing here?"

He turned the page. "I live here."

I looked around wildly. I was in the Cullens' living room. "I don't remember falling asleep here?"

"That's because you fell asleep at the table," he said, sounding a little bored. "I moved you to the couch when you started drooling on the Bio textbook."

I didn't have the energy to be embarrassed. "Oh."

"Alice will track you down soon to get ready for the party," he added, eyes flitting to my face for the first time in the conversation.

I frowned. "Huh?"

His lips quirked toward a smirk. "Alice? My sister? Looks like a pixie, can't sit still?"

I rubbed my eyes. "The party's tonight?"

He put the book down. "Do you have a brain?"

I stuck my tongue out at him and attempted to straighten myself up.

I rolled my head back to loosen the muscles in my neck and wiggled my feet, hoping to get some blood back into them. My ankles were a little swollen and my back was on fire, but the baby hadn't kicked in a while, at least. There was a week where every ten minutes a sharp pain would slice through my ribcage, and I'd jolt like I'd been electrocuted. Jasper had nearly jumped out of his skin the first time it happened, which was admittedly rather amusing to me. An immortal, near indestructible being panicking because of a dramatic hiccup.

"You need anything?" he drawled, rising from his seat.

"A million dollars," I said. "A house, a car...oh, maybe a giraffe? I loved giraffes-

"Ha, ha," he cut me off, rolling his eyes.

"What's gotten into you, today?" I asked. "You're grouchier than normal."

"Nothing," he murmured, running a hand through his hair.

"Liar," I muttered under my breath, fully aware that he would hear it.

He shot me a quick glare but didn't move.

He was dressed in a loose black t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants—an outfit that I was impressed he'd managed to get past Alice, who I imagined would have a heart attack at the sight of it if she were able—and his hair hung loose around his ears. His eyes were a buttery gold and his skin glimmering, but he seemed stressed.

"Is it Victoria?" I asked after a moment, tone cautious.

He looked at me, conflicted, before moving over to the sofa to sit beside me. "She's a bitch."

I burst into laughter.

"What?" he said, withholding a grin.

"I didn't expect you to say that and it brought me a strange amount of joy," I giggled. "But sorry, go on."

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