Reiji x Reader

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A/N: Ignore the vid or watch it, doesn't matter but I want to include one of their songs every chapter

It was an altogether quiet day at the Master Course. You were there visiting some friends before a certain brunette tackled you in a hug.

"(Y/N)-chan!!!" There he is, the seemingly happy boy. Reiji bounced over to you, hands behind his back, a huge grin plastered on his face, his eyes told a different story. You were one of the few who saw it. Sadness. Pain.

"What do you want Rei-chan?" You sighed, he may be hiding behind a mask but that doesn't make him any easier to handle.

"I got us tickets to the amusement park! Let's go!" He laughed hugging you and waving the tickets in front of your face.

"Wai-" Before you could argue he grabbed your hand and dragged you to his car. Driving with Reiji wouldn't be a good idea right? If you were being honest it wasn't too bad. He was a safe driver all around, except the rare occasion when he decides to speed.

Reiji didn't say anything as he drove. His eyes were focused and you found yourself staring at the brunette. He looked depressed, he definitely had something on his mind.

"Hey (Y/N)-chan."


"Why can't QUARTET☆NIGHT get along? Is it my fault?" He normally cheerful demeanor has completely changed, his mask was gone. His eyes told you how much pain he was in, they weren't focused. He looked around the road before him, quickly glancing at you and then away.

"Reiji, it's not your fault. It's just-"

"It's just what? That I'm annoying and they know I am? That I ruin everything?" Tears welled in his eyes. You had only seen this side of Reiji once before, he had looked so broken as he asked you to explain why things went so wrong when he was around.

"Reiji you know that's not true! You keep the group together, you-"

"Then why do they dislike being around me so much?"

"Reiji pull over." You hated seeing him like this, you couldn't take it.


"You heard me, pull over."

"Next gas station I'll-"

"Pull. Over. Now." The longer he drove the longer he would go thinking like this.

"Jeez, fine." As soon as the car was stopped you lunged at the clueless, depressed idol.

"Reiji Kotobuki you need to stop spouting shit and get yourself together." Growling, your grip on the front of his shirt tightened. He looked at you stunned by your sudden shift in tone.

"(Y/N)-chan why did that upset you so much?" Reiji looked at you, his eyes still had so much sadness in them.

"Seeing you hide behind that mask hurts me okay?" You unintentionally snapped, your grip on his shirt loosened slightly. "Reiji why do you keep doing this to yourself?" Something inside you broke at the look on his face.

He had turned his head to look away from you. His lip trembled a bit and his eyes were watery. He was so close to crying that it hurt you.

"Reiji please stop this, I don't want to see you like this." His tears began to fall and he sniffed quietly. The sight of Reiji crying was the worst thing you had seen. He tried to hold his mask in place while tears spilled from his beautiful eyes that normally sparkled, even with the mask on. Before you knew it tears were running down your cheeks and you sniffed.

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