Part 15

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The rest of the week is spent sightseeing and buying souvenirs for everyone back in Boston

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The rest of the week is spent sightseeing and buying souvenirs for everyone back in Boston. Before we know it school starts up again with our schedules busier than ever meaning a minimal amount of time being spent together. When we finally manage to find time to hangout Matt takes me out to a nice restaurant, which brings us to me freaking out over what to wear with Kassidy giving me her opinion about everything. "Do you think this is a good dress?" I ask her as I spin in front of my mirror, "yes I think Matt will love you in that dress" she replies with a smile, "awesome, now I have to finish my hair and makeup" I exclaim before walking over to my vanity. A few minutes later the doorbell rings making me smile, "you are so in love with him" Kassidy exclaims, "yeah I am, he told me that i'm his forever" I explain to her, "WHAT! that's so great Jenny, why didn't you tell me sooner" she tells me, "It never came up, but i'll tell you everything once I get back, he's probably waiting" I say as I walk to the front door. I open it and see Matt standing outside dressed in a black suit holding a bouquet of roses, I smile at the gesture, "for you" he says with a smile, I take the flowers out of his hands before placing them on the nearest side table, "thank you" I reply before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. His hands come to my waist as he deepens the kiss, my fingers weave into his dark hair, he pulls away a few seconds later, "we should go before I keep us here and have my way with you" he says while taking my hand before pulling me out of the house.

We arrive at the restaurant and Matt helps me out of the car, I smile at him as I take his hand and step onto the sidewalk, my eyes widen when I notice the restaurant. "You didn't have to take me here, it's hella expensive" I say to him, "you deserve it Jenny" he replies before pulling me into the building. My eyes move around the dark room in awe, I feel a tug at my hand making me look up, Matt is smiling at me, I blush before letting him take me to our table. We sit across from each other and a waiter comes up to our table, he smiles and his gaze lingers on me slightly longer than necessary, "me and my GIRLFRIEND would like to order now" Matt says making the waiter turn to him, I feel the tension in the air as the two guys stare at each other. After a few seconds I clear my throat to get their attention, "I would love the spaghetti alfredo" I tell the waiter, he smiles before writing down the order, Matt goes on to place his order. Later once we have finished eating our meal and Matt has payed we leave the restaurant hand-in-hand, "I couldn't stand that guy, he was looking at you like a meal" Matt exclaims frustrated, "I like it when you're jealous" I tell him as we continue walking to his car.

Matt parks his car in front of his place, "want to come in?" he asks, I bite my lip as I contemplate if I want to go inside with him, I nod as I look over at him, he smiles before getting out of the car. When we get to each other on the front path Matt wraps an arm around my waist tugging me to his side, I smile while leaning into him. When we get into the house I take my shoes off at the front door before Matt tugs me to his room, I immediately flop onto his bed with a laugh as I look up at the ceiling, I feel the bed dip before Matt comes into view with his arms on either side of my head, he's smiling as he looks down at me. I prop myself up on my elbows bringing me closer to him, "thank you for tonight" I say, "anything for you" he replies before leaning down to kiss my lips, I bring my hand up to his face before moving my hand behind his head to weave my fingers into his hair, Matt wraps an arm around my waist keeping me close as he lowers himself onto me. I tug at his hair and he groans while tightening his grasp on me, he pulls away from me short of breath, "you are perfect Jenny" he says with a lustful look, "you aren't too bad yourself Matt" I exclaim with a smile, he matches my smile before moving his head to pepper kisses along my neck, I squirm and he laughs, "you know I'm ticklish" I say as I run my fingers through his hair, "that's not going to stop me" he replies while he continues to kiss my skin. The rest of the night consists of being entangled in each other.


My vibrating phone wakes me up the next morning, I yawn before reaching for my phone on the nightstand. When I finally grab it I sit up slightly not wanting to wake Matt, who has his arm across me, I open up my messaging,


J: no...but I'm not too surprised he's an amazing hockey player

K: J you don't get it, he could be going to a team that is a thousand miles away from you

J: Kass you have to calm down, it will be fine, I love him and distance won't change that

K: man I wish I had the same amount of confidence as you do

J: he's worth it

K: you guys are couple goals

J: we're just ourselves, now can you please let me sleep, you woke me up

K: fiiiiine, talk later

I put my phone back onto the nightstand and I lower myself back into Matt's arms. A few seconds later I feel a kiss on my shoulder, "who were you messaging?" I hear my boyfriend ask, "Kassidy, but it was nothing" I reply while turning to face him, "c'mon you can tell me" he says, I shrug, "she was just freaking out that you will be getting drafted this summer" I explain, "and that you could potentially be drafted to a team that's way far away" I finish with a smile. Matt tightens his hold on me, "Jen you have nothing to worry about, distance can't destroy what we have" he tells me, I smile, "you never know maybe you could move with me too the city where I'm drafted" he adds, the smile drops from my face, "Matt, I can't do that I still have at least 3 more years of school before I can even think of going into the real world" I explain to him, "you can finish online" he replies hopefully, "you don't get it, my parents are paying my tuition, they would never let me do that, plus I have made a life for myself here, I cannot just leave that" I tell him while sitting up, "I do not want to be some sort of trophy wife for you, I want to have my own life and career and that means I need to finish college" I add, "why can't you do that while being with me?" he asks, "because my sole focus will be on you, and when you come back from away games I won't want to miss anything with you but then I will forget about school, i'm only 19 for crying out loud" I exclaim loudly getting fed up with Matt's attitude, I slide off the bed and pick up my discarded clothes before going to his washroom to get dressed so that I can leave. Once I'm done I step back into the bedroom to see Matt sitting on the edge of his bed in his sweatpants, "i'm going to go, I think we need to give each other a break for a bit" I tell him as I grab my belongings from his desk, "I love you Jenny" he says while looking up at me, I smile sadly before walking over to drop a kiss to his head, "I'll see you around Matty" I reply before leaving his room, I call Kassidy and ask her for a ride back to our dorm.

 Once I'm done I step back into the bedroom to see Matt sitting on the edge of his bed in his sweatpants, "i'm going to go, I think we need to give each other a break for a bit" I tell him as I grab my belongings from his desk, "I love you Jenny" ...

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