Chapter 1 : When everything start to change...

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 Chapter 1: When everything start to change...


I was alone with Zayn, somewhere in the woods, I was afraid, we were holding hands silently when I heard foot steps from behind us, I started shaking, the sound was coming closer and closer, and when  I turned back  I saw a huge man holding an ax, then I started screaming and crying and then he took  me from behind, I tried my best to go away from him but he was way stronger than me...

" Zayynnn, pleasee help mee, I love youu!! Don't let him take me away from you..."


"OMG" Maya woke up from her bed, breathing heavily asking herself what had just happen.

"Ouuf, it was only just a dream.." , why did she dream about  her best friend, alone, in the woods, holding hands... That was so weird! And why did she say "I love you"...?Maya couldn't stop thinking about that, but anyways, a dream is a dream it doesn't mean anything! or at least it's what she thought!

Maya woke up in a really weird mood, she didn't know what to  think about that dream, but she thought that maybe it was a sign...

"nahh, I should really stop worrying about that, and try to not be late at school today!" So she went in the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and washed her face. Then she was ready. Then suddenly she heard her dad yelling at the bathroom door.

"MAYAAA, it's already 8:05 you're gonna be late!!!" Oh gosh, she was into her thoughts that she forgot the time... "I'm ready dad, I take my bag and I'm coming!"

    When she arrived at school, she saw one of her really good friends, Jessica.

"Hey Jess!, did you see Zayn?" "Hii, and nope, not really, he's maybe at his locker!" "Okay thanks Jess, see ya!"   She looked for him for about 10 minutes now when she finally found him in front of their first room class.

"Hey Zayn!" Maya gave him a quick kiss on the cheeks

"Hey Maya, what's up babe?" she didn't know why but she always had butterflies when he called her that way... "I'm alright! thanks!"  

"Did you see the teacher? hopefully she's not here..." he said crossing his fingers "No, not really, as you can see I was late this morning..." she said a little embarrased

"Yeah, haha you're always late anyways!!" Zayn said joking.

  "Uhmm, yeahh, haha" Maya said a bit shy.

"Oh sorry babe, I didn't mean to be rude, I was just joking! Don't take that in a bad way" "yeahh I know you were joking don't worry! Ohh here's the teacher ..." "ohh dammit "  Zayn said looking a bit mad "I hate monday mornings..." "Haha, come on, let's get in"  

*Bell rings*

"Oh my god, thanks god it's over!" Zayn said putting his hands in the air.

"haha, you're crazy Zayn! So, do you want to take a break this evening, we should go at my house?"

"yeahh, of course, I'll wait for you at your locker! See ya babe!" And it starts again, the butterflies, but it couldn't happen, it was her bestfriend and she didn't want to broke that friendship that fast... 



Zayn was walking in the coridors, listening to music with his white big Beats when suddenly he saw his big crush coming... Should he talk to her, or should he avoid her as always? "Okay, she's here, let's do it, I'm not a baby anymore... Okay so... Hey! Rebecca how are you?... Nahh that sounds really weird, okay so what else could I say? OH MY GOD" When finally he wanted to talk to her, he saw her with a boy... And they were.... Kissing.



As fast as the ring bells, she ran home to prepare a sweet evening with a funny film. She prepared a huge bowl of sweet pop corn, and a small bowl of sweets! It was ready, her parents were out that night so it was perfect to have have fun between friends! As soon as she dropt the pop corn bowl on the table, someone was knocking at the door! it was Zayn.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw that Zayn was in a really bad mood.

"Hi" he said

"Hey, What's going on Zayn you look mad as hell, tell me" I said worried.

"YOU WANT TO KNOW MAYA?!" Zayn said yelling at her "WELL YOU KNOW REBECCA? YEAH MY BIG CRUSH SINCE I WAS 13, YEAH HER WELL I SAW HER TODAY, SO I WANTED TO TALK TO HER BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I SAW?? I SAW HER KISSING WITH THAT STUPID JONATHAN" zayn looked sad and mad at the same time, she was his big crush since he was 13 and when he finally decided to talk to her,  he found out that she was going out with Jonathan...

But why was he yelling at her like if it was her fault? "Whyy are you yelling at me Zayn?!! IT'S NOT LIKE IT WAS MY FAULT!!" she said yelling a bit too.

"Oh.. I'm sorry Maya, I didn't mean to yell at you I'm just really mad and sad, I'm sorry" he said kindly this time.

 I know that he was furious but... "It's okayy I understand, well if you want we can change the topic tonight? we could watch a film or talk or tell me what you want!"

"Awnn that's nice of you maya! Ohh... Is that sweet pop corn that I see?!" he said with a cheeky smile "

Yes it is! haha" I said.

"Thank you Maya, thanks for always being here for me, I love you very much and I'm glad to be your best friend" he said looking deeply in my eyes.

"Awnn, i love you too zayn, LET'S WATCH A MOVIE!!" "Wait where's the remote control? ZAYYYNNN!! GIVE IT TO ME!! NOW!" I said jumping on the couch trying to find it behind his back.

"Where did you put it Zaynn!!" I said loudly.

"Here it is, now try to catch it!!" "LET THE WAR BEGIN" Zayn ran up the stairs and jumped in my bed, we're fighting like crazy animals! I was on top of him trying to take it from his hands...



She was standing here, Maya is a really beautiful girl, she was so nice with him, he really needed her, and now. He took her from her waist he turned her on her back and he started coming closer from her, then they start to kiss, he was on on top of her  kissing her deeply , they were perfect to be together, but they didn't realise it yet.

" Omg zayn" she said "You said that you loved me... as your best friend"

"I know Maya but... I always had a little something for you, you're the one that I need, you're the one for me, you're always here for me, and I think that I just start to realise that i might.... Love you" he said looking deeply in her eyes.

" Omg Zayn... I,I, I don't know what to say ... I'm just- s-peechless...." she said awkwardly.

"I'm sorry Maya, I understand if you don't feel the same, I-I-I'm sorry..." he said laying beside me.

"No Zayn! No I mean I'm speechless because I've always liked you but I thought that you loved Rebecca so I wanted to keep our friendship!" 

" I've always had a crush on her but she never felt the same!! And I think  I've got someone else in my mind..." he said getting closer to me... He finally kissed me like no one had before....

 "I love you" he said to me without breaking the kiss.

"I love you too" I said showing a huge smile on my face.



When everything start to change, from before... A One Direction Fanfic :)Where stories live. Discover now