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(c) daydrexming 2014


I took the spoon and dipped it into the milk, and then slurped up my Captain Crunch. It was awesome, I freaking loved Captain Crunch. It couldn't get any better. I ran some fingers through my hair, which was kind of wavy today, as I swirled the spoon in the milk that was no longer filled with delicious cereal.

Sadly, it was Monday, and this meant another new start to the dreaded school week. And, no one liked Monday's for that specific reason. To me, Monday's always meant gloom and rain, but today, it was surprisingly warm [ well if you count 50 degrees in September warm ] and sunny, seeing as how it's Oregon and it's almost October.

I put my empty bowl in the kitchen sink, and then filled it with warm soapy water, before swiftly putting it into the dishwasher. I felt my dad press a kiss to my head as he entered the kitchen, and he smiled over at me.

"Morning Ash," he said, filling up his coffee mug. "Sleep well?"

I shrugged over at him, but even shrugging hurt. I was still so sore from my football game on Friday. I needed to rest up though, because my first soccer game was on Wednesday, and I couldn't mess that up. "Yeah," I replied. "I slept fine." I stated simply, rubbing my wet hands on a towel.

"What time were you up till last night Ash?" My dad wondered curiously, with a curious look plastered across his face.

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to think. I remember it was late, because I'm exhausted. I think I was trying to catch up on homework. I have no time to myself anymore, Football is on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturday Mornings [ occasionally ], while Soccer is Wednesdays and Tuesdays. I'm surprised I'm keeping up with my gosh darn schoolwork. "Uh, I don't know, eleven or so I guess."

"On a school night? Don't you think that's a little late Ash, even for you?" He took a sip of coffee, with a serious look.

"Huh?" I dazed off. "No....I just was studying and er, lost track of time, that's all." I told him, biting my lip gently.

"Oh," he responded, grabbing the morning paper and then looking at me again. "Well try thinking of going to bed a little earlier tonight, you look exhausted."

Trust me Dad, I know, I feel exhausted.

"Okay I'll try." I muttered before giving him a soft smile. My dad gives me a look. "No seriously, I will try."

"Good, that's all I ask." he said before exiting the kitchen, probably going up to his office or something.

I nod and watch as he leaves, making a side note in my brain telling me to get some sleep and stop stressing about football, soccer, and college. God, I have a bad case of Senior-itis. I exhale and look at my nails, they needed to be painted soon.

Then, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. They sound like heels. I see my mom rush into the kitchen, dressed in formal work attire. I give her a weird look. She quickly pours some coffee into her travel coffee mug, and looks over at me, and notices the look.

She gives me a warm smile. "I got a job!" she exclaims.

"Seriously?" I ask, shocked. My mother hadn't worked a day in her life. She had always wanted to work, but she was one of those stay-at-home Moms for Oliver and I, which was really nice, but we're going to be moving out soon. "What? Where?" I was extremely happy for her.

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