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(c) daydrexming 2014.


"Wait, you're on the soccer team?" I asked.

Alexis nodded.

"What, how? Soccer tryouts already happened." I ask, totally confused as to how this could've even happened. She only got here what, yesterday? There was no way our Coach would even think of putting Alexis on our soccer team, unless she was like a younger Alex Morgan or Hope Solo. But could she be? Who knows. With my luck she's probably is one of those outstanding soccer players that have been playing since she was like a year old.

"Oh well, I know, but you see I really wanted to play soccer this year because I had an ankle injury for half the season last year and besides, colleges aren't going to look at you if you don't play your senior year." explained Alexis and as much as I hated to admit it, it made sense. I would've done the same thing if I was in her shoes.

"So when did you try out?" I question with a small smile on my face.

"Oh, I didn't have to try out." she looked at me as if I was from another planet. "My aunt is the coach."

Ah, the truth comes out.

"Your aunt is the coach!" I cried a bit too loudly. Mr. Fenderson looked up from his laptop and over at Alexis and I, telling is to be quiet while he was finishing up this email.

Alexis nodded and looked at me like I was some sort of idiot or something. "Um, yeah, didn't I like literally just say that?"

"Well yeah," I start, my mouth dropping open. "But isn't that a little unfair?"

Alexis shrugged. "Eh, maybe. But who cares? I mean, it's not that big of a deal, right?"

I drop my mouth open. Was this girl serious? "Um, yeah, it's kind of a big deal. Your aunt is showing favortism by just letting you on the team like that. It's not fair. All of us had to try out one time or another, so why can't you?"

She just shook her head. "Relax Ashlynn, I kow you're a goalie, and I'm not here to take your spot, in fact, I'm not here to take anyone's spot. Like I said, I wanted something to be on my college application for my Senior year, and I just wanted to play like one or two games."

I rolled my eyes. "Still, the least you've could've done is tried out for the team." I personally thought it was bullcrap that she wasn't here to take anyone's spot. I mean, come on, seriously?

She just shrugged, and I would've said something snarky, but Mr. Fenderson arose from his laptop and looked at all of us. 

"So?" He started. "Who's ready for a pop quiz?"


"She's on the team?" exclaimed Skye, jaw dropping open at the news I had just given her.

"Yup." I say. "And listen to this, she didn't even try out!" I then add, "Her aunt is the coach and she just let her on the team because Alexis asked."

"That's ridiculous!"

"That's what I'm saying!" I cried with her. "Also, she just said that she wasn't here to take anyone's spot, she just wanted this to be on her college application, which is weird because college's wouldn't even look at her if she wasn't playing."

"What she's saying is a load of bull-" started Skye, just before my mother walked into my room with a smile on her face,

"Honey, I know you just got home from soccer practice, but please get started on your homework." she told me and I slowly nodded, not wanting to argue because I wasn't in the arguing mood.

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