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7.5K 207 39

(c) daydrexming 2014

So as of today, Ryan has officially blocked me out.

He's been spending more time with Alexis than his football buddies combined. I'm a little worried that he's going to fall behind.

He's missed four practices already, and people are getting pretty pissed- me included. Everytime I try to talk to him he either walks away or ignores me.

Gosh. He can hold grudge.

I swear he's turning into a teenage girl.

My back leaned up against the locker as I thought about this, my mind lost in space as Thomas put some of his books away.

I bit my lip and almost forgot that he was even there.

"Thinking?" he asks casually and I nodded without even batting an eye.

"What about?" He added.

I shrugged still not even looking at him.

"Does your throat hurt? Did you lose your voice? Because this is the quietest you've been ever since I've met you." He joked.

This caused me to burst into a smile and look over at him and punch him lightly in the shoulder.

"Whatever, you like that I'm talkative and stuff." I retorted with a playful eye roll.

"You're right," replied Thomas. "It's one of the things I love about you." His eyes meet mine, and I'm just about to pull him into a kiss, before we are rudely interrupted.

"Ahem. I'd appreciate if you two didn't make out in front of my locker."

I stepped back away from Ryan's locker and further away from Thomas's locker, I had forgotten that they had lockers next to each other.

"Sorry," I mumble bitterly and all I get is a glare from Ryan in return.

Wanting to break the tension and awkwardness, Thomas clears his throat and says, "So, Ryan, going to be at football practice today?"

"I don't know." said Ryan, not even wanting to look at me or Thomas.

"Dude, if you miss practice, this will have to be at least the fifth practice you missed in the past two weeks. You never miss practices."

"So?" Ryan snapped. "People change."

"People are starting to get pissed off Ryan, if you don't start showing up..." Thomas trails off and puts his voice in a whisper. "Coach talked about sitting you and putting Hansen in."

"Oh please, he would never put Hansen in. That guy can't throw to save his life." Which was true, he was a sweet kid but he needed work.

"That's not what Coach said last practice."

Ryan rolled his eyes.

"Look, I'm starting to think that missing practices has something to do with Alexis-"

"Don't even start with me, Thomas. What has that bitch Ashlynn told you?" My mouth drops open, he always calls me Ash, never Ashlynn, and he certainly has never called me a bitch before.

"Hello, I'm standing right here!" I but in.

"Hey, don't talk about her like that." gritted Thomas, a flash of anger in his voice.

"Oh come on Thomas, lets be real here." Ryan spat.

Thomas was getting angry and fast.

"Whatever she told you, isn't true. Alexis is fine." continued Ryan.

"Well Ash told me that you were being a huge Asshole right now, and that's completely true."

There was a moment of silence.

And then Ryan punched Thomas in the face.

Well that escalated quickly.


"Never in my thirteen years as a Principal, have I seen such a fight." He tells them seriously. "And I must say gentleman, I'm impressed." He adds the last part pretty sarcastically.

Thomas bit his bloody lip and Ryan scratched one of his wounds.

"I should kick you two off the football team-" we all jumped out of our seats to do that. "-let me finish. But, Coach has begged me not too."

A sigh of relief came through all of us.

"I've concluded that your punishment will be weekly sessions with the school therapist, together."

Thomas and Ryan tried to hold back their groans.

"All three of you."

"What!" I jumped into protest, shocked. "Why do I have to be punished? I'm not the one who was beating them to a bloody pulp!"

"Yes, but they were fighting over you after all."

"It wasn't like that." I grumble.

"In addition," says our rotten Principal. "Thomas and Ryan will have to serve three weeks of Saturday detentions, while Ashlynn, you'll only have to serve one."

I felt bad for the two of them. 3 weeks of  Saturday detentions meant coming into school at six in the morning and leaving at two. I'm happy that I only have for one week.

"If you fail to meet the punishments, I will add more detentions."

There was a moment of silence again, all three of us glaring at him.

"You are free to go, all of you. I will be having a chat with all of your parents about this. Now, shoo."

Can my life get any worse?


Short yet pretty dramatic chapter, no? Yay or nay? Thoughts on Ryan being a huge jerkface?


I'm so close to a hundred thousand reads too! I'm so excited (:

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I'll see you guys soon!


*p.s. check out the presidents son and i, please? :D

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