I was tagged by AyeshaArshad587
So let's get the show on the rode
1. Middle Name
2. Eye color
Brown, very dark brown
3. Biggest Fear
Ruining myself in any way... and SPIDERS
4. Last song I listened too
Bed by Nicki Minaj ft. Ariana Grande
5. Relationship status
(These tags really need to stop it with this relationship thing. It's making me feel really lonely)6. Favorite color
7. Favorite celebrity
Shane Dawson is my queen. 👑
8. Currently happy
Happiness is only temporary. It never lasts long enough.
9. Last thing I bought
Earbuds from the dollar store
10. Day or night person
Night for sure. I only have energy at night, so that's when I go crazy...
11. Second Chances
Yes, I am a firm believer that almost everyone deserves a second chance.
12. Random fact
Walmart is my second home.
13. Last book I read
Published: Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Wattpad: Nepenthe by kmbell9214. Birthday
April 19th
15. Favorite song
Currently, it's: 2002 by Anne-Marie
16. Someone I trust
Myself mostly. I trust my mom with most things, but also SpaceQueenSara. She like the big sister I've never had before.
17. Am I okay?
I'm living.
18. 20 tags
I don't know 20 people so I'm just gonna tag the usuals. You don't have to do this if you don't want to!