Chapter 3

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Watching the rehearsal was really entertaining and an amazing first experience. So far, they played some songs called Blitzkrieg Bop, Now I wanna sniff some glue, Havana Affair, Loudmouth, Chain Saw, I don't wanna go down to the basement, Judy is a punk and everything went smoothly.

Off to break.

They jumped off the stage and I sat in front of them, clapping.
"That was incredible! I'm so impressed!"

"Thank you! Rehearsals usually don't go this smoothly from the first try so I'm pretty sure that this is going to be a great show!" Tommy said, smiling proudly.

"Of course it's going to be a great show! That's out of question." I assured them, "So... enjoy your 2 hour break!"

Johnny and Tommy thanked me and left the room. I grabbed my bag and turned around to find Dee Dee and Joey still standing there.

"What are you going to do now?" Dee Dee asked, looking at me.

I have no idea...

"Honestly... I'm not sure. Is there really anything to do around here?"

That area in which the venue was in was a pretty dead one. It's only ever crowded during shows and at night. On the broad daylight? It's empty.

Dee Dee laughed, "You're right. That area is wacky. Well, I have no idea what Johnny and Tommy are up to but me and Joey don't really know what to do either... so how about we all spend the 2 hours together?"

"Yes that sounds great!"

It really did sound great. It sounded better than my original plan to just awkwardly sit around until the 2 hours have passed.

"So what did you think about your first day so far? Apart from the waking up because that must have sucked."

Yes Dee Dee, it did kind of suck.

"I like it so far! I loved watching the rehearsal, it was something I have never done before and it was really impressive. You guys are good. I loved the songs you played so far!" I complemented them, trying not to sound too enthusiastic because I still wanted to come across professional at all times.

"What was your favourite song so far?" Dee Dee asked, anticipation growing in his eyes.

"God that's a really hard question... Even though I know that Blitzkrieg Bop is definitely a banger and going to get very very big in the future, I must say that my favourite was Judy is a Punk."

"Thank you!! You're definitely going to love the rest." he smiled excitedly.

"Judy is a punk was really fun to write." Joey remarked, finally speaking up.

"Really? I totally can imagine!" I said, smiling at him. I was more excited about the fact that he finally spoke up than about what he just said.
He nodded and smiled back at me.

"Have you ever left the country before?" Dee Dee then asked, probably hinting on upcoming tours.

"I have not, have you?" I immediately felt dumb about asking the question. He probably has.

"Yeah... I've actually lived in Germany up until I was 15 years old!"

"Really? Holy shit that's so cool!" I said, lots of enthusiasm in my voice.

I would love to go there one day.

He nodded excitedly and then looked to the door where he saw Johnny and Tommy coming in.

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