Chapter 2 : The Conspiracy

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Zoe hurried home, her mind set ablaze by indignation at her plight.

"How dare you mom? To your own daughter?" Yelled Zoe, the moment she stepped into her home.Her mother looked up from the stove where she was busy cooking breakfast.

"Are you aware of this new drama, mom? The one with Mr.Sweaty palms marrying me? Apparently you encouraged the idea?" Gasped Zoe, her fists clenching.

Susan turned back to the cooking quickly hiding her sly smile. She didn't answer. Kate walked into the kitchen to checkout what the commotion was all about.

"Didn't you just finally leave the house to mind the shop? Back already?" Sneered Kate, sitting down at the table, "You really have no idea how to be responsible!"

"Zoe dear, your sister's right. If your here, who is minding the shop?" Asked Susan who was trying really hard not to laugh.

"Mr.Sweaty palms is minding the shop for me! Now answer already! Tell me it's a joke! You can't be seriously considering Mr.Sweaty palms proposal?" Said Zoe turning Susan around.

"Well, First of all, his name is not Mr.Sweaty palms! It's Brad! It's rude to call that sweet child such a cruel name. And is that any way to talk about your future husband? And Yes! I am serious about your marriage to Brad." Declared Susan lifting the pot of stew from the stove and pouring it onto a serving dish.

Susan started humming a love song as she carefully arranged the bread in the bread plate. Next she started preparing the fruit salad. Zoe was perplexed at her mother's shocking nonchalance. Her whole world of dreams was crumbling to bits and her mother was acting like nothing was happening. She implored her sister to help.

"Mom? When is Zoe's wedding?" Asked Kate biting the inside of her cheek to not burst out laughing. Susan winked at Kate and answered "It really can happen any day now. I was planning to fix the date tonight, when Brad comes over with his mother. "

Zoe stared at the two of them too lost for words. "Why?" Whispered Zoe finally, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Susan pondered a moment before answering, "Well! let's see. Do you have a job? Do you do anything productive with your time besides scribbling in your notebook? You are wasting your life doing nothing!"

Susan started arranging the chopped fruit on a serving dish. Next she started preparing black tea.

"Look Zoe, you have no answer to that except-" Cutting her of as Zoe tries to argue, " that your dream is to be a writer! Yes? Isn't that what you were going to say? I know what your dreams are, Zoe! It's been ages and that's still a distant dream. Have you even finished writing your book to publish it? You have barely started writing, correct?" Asked Susan, to which Zoe nodded sadly, unable to contradict her.

"You need inspiration in life. You need to get out there and do something with your life. Since you can't seem to gather your thoughts and find a job so far, I've just found one for you! A house wife! You can cook, clean and dream your life away with Brad! He seems to be your only fan!" Concluded Susan with a satisfied smile.

"But I do have a job" said Zoe suddenly, " I work at the store! That counts, right?"

"You can't work there all your life. Besides both your father and me agreed we don't want you to work there!" Susan announced merrily.

Zoe watched as Susan carried the bread and stew dishes out into the garden and started setting the breakfast table. Susan kept going back and forth between the garden and kitchen to get the remaining dishes and cutlery. Kate walked into the garden and immediately started helping Susan. Kate and Susan worked side by side, setting the plates and glasses, arranging the chairs and acting all busy, purposefully ignoring Zoe's look of anguish.

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