Chapter 6

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Dedicated to Proud_Shipper  because she was the first to comment on Chapter 5.

The first snows came early that fall along the Northern border of the Western Lands. From what I'd heard, a blanket of white usually covered the various pine forests and plateaus in early November. October seemed like it had barely started yet, and already my paws crunched on the icy substance as I dug a path through it. Fenris and I had exchanged roles about an hour ago and I was getting tired. Along with that, my fur, although dense, was not suited for snow and temperatures below 25°C. It was well under, if my inner thermostat meant anything.

Do you want to stop? We can exchange.


Little Wolf, we need to get going. You're slacking. I can go in front.




The truth was that I would not, and really could not stop. I was so exhausted that if I paused for even a second, I wouldn't get up again. My body was shivering like crazy, though I doubted Fenris realized, and it was so cold it hurt. My heat did absolutely nothing to warm me and had dulled down to a background ache. I could feel cracks running up my paw pads but I kept in the whines. Only the strong survived the harsh winters of the North.

Little Wolf, you're bleeding.

I shook my head in denial, No I'm not.

I can see the blood in front of me, Little Wolf. At least two out of your four paws are bleeding.

No they aren't. You're imagining stuff.

Look for yourself.

Fenris, don't you think I'd feel it if I were bleeding?

Not in this cold, you wouldn't.

I think I would anyways.

Girl, just look!

If you insist, male.

I lowered my head and looked under my paws while still trying to walk. Little drops of crimson red liquid beaded on the edges of a large blister on my right forepaw's paw pad, and a smaller one was dripping with blood too on my left front foot. It wasn't like I was going to admit this though.

No I'm not.

Then explain to me, Little Wolf, what those bloody marks that magically appear after you pass, are?

Few were the Wolves who could express sarcasm through a brain wave. They usually had to send the feeling in after talking. Fenris had managed to sound sarcastic without making any noise.

Well it's just like you said, darling. They magically appear.

You never told me you had powers.

Because I don't. I never said I was the one making the traces appear.

Little Wolf, just cut it out, and admit you're bleeding.

I'm not bleeding.

Careful there, don't make me drag you to a cave somewhere around here. We're in the stony parts of these mountains, one won't be hard to find.

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