New him.

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*Elizabeth P.O.V.*

I really hope he will change this time. We put on clothes. As I was taking my makeup to hide my bruise on my face Gray stopped me. "Don't put makeup. We're not going anywhere."

"I know Grayson but your parents are coming."

"I know but I completely ignored that I was hurting you. Beth please, just don't. If my parents asked something I'm gonna tell them, I need to be honest. I have to call my mom." He smiled and left to call her.

He came back after the call. "You're going to see the real version of Grayson Dolan." He smiled and leave again. He look happy but soon he is going to need drugs and I don't know what to do for that except be there for him and I don't know if it's enough.

*30 minutes later.*

"Do you have what I want?" Gray asked his mom when they arrived.

"Yes." She gave him the bag.

"Beth I want you to stay in the living room."

"Ok. I'm gonna talk with your dad. I'll give him back to you."

"Sure. I love you." He kissed me and leave with Lisa. Me and Sean are in the living room and I decided to talk to him about Gray... I never knew really a lot about him. "Does Gray have health problems?"

"He has anger issues."

"Do you know he was taking drugs?" I asked.

"He never told us but yes, it was obvious and when we look at you drugs didn't helped his anger issues."

"I know. It's going to be weird but for the first time in 1 month I think he saw me without shirt on and no makeup. He started panicking but why?"

"Grayson can have panic attack when he realize he did something wrong. Beth I know you love him but the day you are going to feel in danger leave him..."

"Yea." I nodded.

*Grayson P.O.V.*

I decided to go back to brown hair and take off this piercing at my nose. I don't wanna that bad guy anymore. Changing the way I look doesn't mean anything but I just really want to do it.

I know the next days and weeks are going to be hard but I love her and I will never be able to lose her. My dad is back in the kitchen and Beth is still in the living room. "I'm gonna wait with her." Ari said smiling at me. She is probably happy.

Me and Ari used to date before she dated Ethan. I did the same to her but it all started because of her.
I wasn't that bad with her. I hit her one time and she left. We were together for 7 months and I changed really fast.

*Ethan P.O.V.*

"I'll be back. I have to talk to Beth." I said leaving the kitchen. "Ari can you go in the kitchen I need to ask something to Beth?"

"Sure." She kissed me and leave.

"Take off your shirt."

"What?" Beth asked confuse.

"I just wanna take a look. Don't worry."

"I'm not Ethan..."

"I'm turning around. Take the blanket. I just need to see..."

"Fine." I turned around and I waited. "I have the blanket around me."

I looked at her and again I'm just terrified... How Grayson can do this...? I went close to her. "Beth he is wrong for you, you shouldn't stay here."

"Ethan I'm fine. Don't worry. He is going to get better. We just need to help him go through this and if we fail, You never gonna see me again. I promise."

"Yea... ok you can put your shirt on. I'm leaving." I leave and went in the kitchen. "Ariana can we go talk please?"

"Sure babe." We leave and went upstairs. "What do you want?" She asked me.

"I saw her body . Well not really only her arms and shoulder and the top of her back. Ari she is full of bruises."

"Ok and?"

"And? Why is she still with him? How we didn't notice anything?"

"I don't know but don't start to feel bad for what Grayson did ok?"

"Ok." Even tho I already feel bad about it.

*Elizabeth P.O.V.*

"So ready to see the Uhm, real Grayson, I guess?" Lisa said coming in the living room.

"Yes." I replied smiling.

"I know he did bad things but Grayson never been like that before Ariana. If you ever need me I'll be there for you." She said hugging me. What about Ariana ? I'm confused. I'll ask Grayson later.

But I'm happy to be close to their parents. "I know. Thank you Lisa."

"Always." She replied. She took my hand and we went in the kitchen. Ariana is there and Ethan too. Apparently Ethan cut his hair. "Where is Gray?"

"I'm right here." He turned around and I realize that it wasn't Ethan but Grayson.

"You put your hair brown again." I said smiling.

"Yea well you never saw me with so ummm yea I'm brown again." He smiled and I smiled back but changing hair doesn't mean not be violent anymore.

I sincerely wish we won't be toxic anymore.

But I love him...|| G.D.Where stories live. Discover now