[This is where the ships get interesting. This is where a pirate would preferably begin pirating for cargo.]
At level 3, you're introduced to ships that are fast and large. You can finally use boats for piracy, haste transport, and you might even support your faction in their naval battles. though, don't get too cocky! Remember, you're ship is just a low-level. don't go in over your head. Trust me, I was dumb enough to use a Dart to try and overtake an Astraeus (that had a crew of 5). Of course, I failed miserably, and learned that some things don't always go your way, especially in this game. You'll meet failure a lot, but don't fret about it. Keep on trying. Though, enough of this paragraph, onto the ships!
The Dart is a very fast ship, with a speed of 8, it has 4500 health, and it can hold 8 cargo, this ship holds 4 cannons, used by combatants as a boarding ship because of its speed. It is widely argued that the Dart is the second fastest ship in the game, though, the bullet is the fastest. for this level, everyone recommends this more than the Starling. The Starling is slower, has less health, and is slower then the Dart.
This is the Dart. a very slim, narrow ship, but it's length makes it vulnerable to cannon-fire . keep it at a distance from pirates, unless you're the pirate. In that case, go for it, though try to board the merchants. Your Dart is faster than most ships (except and only, the Bullet).
The starling, to sum it up, is pretty much a slight downgrade, but an upgrade from the Dart (having the downgrade be that it has 1 less cargo and speed from the Dart, as well as it's health). The "upgrade" being that it's much, MUCH smaller than the Dart, making it less of a vulnerability to cannon-fire. Though, it still is pretty fast, just don't get your hopes up for this ship.
This is a Starling. It is very easy to notice on the seas, and it is not as difficult, but still hard to board. it is not recommended by many because of the 1-uped Dart, but is still a generally good ship.
This concludes the level 3 category. You are now in the "early ship enthusiast" level. CONGRATS!
Acaoron's Ship Guide - Roblox Tradelands
AcciónThis book is dedicated for Nahr Nahrstein's "Tradelands", a Roblox game that is mainly grinding, trading, sailing and combat.This book will help you on what ship is best for the Two Main Ship Classes (T.M.S.C). This guide will help you on what ship...