My secret

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I woke up and get ready for school. My hair & outfit

 My hair & outfit

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Make up: 

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Make up: 

After I got down I went down stairs and got my stuff to go to school

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After I got down I went down stairs and got my stuff to go to school. I was about to walk out the door but suddenly something caught my eye. I hadn't noticed the boys were down stairs in the living room until I got to the door. They were all looking at me in a weird way. Y/n: Why are you guys looking at me that way?" I looked at them and only Yoongi was blushing. Damn why does he have to be so hot. 

Namjoon: Y/n, are you hiding something from us?" He said with a serious tone. 

I hesitated to answer. Alright so, something I didn't mention was... I'm a self harmer. I'm depressed. It all happened when my parents died. Especially my dad, he was my best friend. But now I have no body. Namjoon bullying started not to long after they died. 

Y/n: N-no..." I said and looked down so they wouldn't see the fear in my eyes of them finding out. 

Jin: Then why did we find Blades and lighters in your room?" He said and crossed his arms.

My eyes widened.. Y/n: YOU WENT THREW MY ROOM???" 

Jin: Well we had no choice.. your always up there." He said nervously. My eyes were filled with a bit of anger but a bit of sadness. I can't believe they went in my room. I took a deep breath and sighed. 

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