the end.

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i woke up the next morning thinking about the kiss yesterday with arms wrapped around my waist. i tried to get up but the arms wouldn't let me. 

???: stayyy~ 

y/n: yoongi~ah but i need to get up! 

yoongi: 10 more minutes~ 

y/n: no! get up now or i'll hit you with a pillow! 

he let go and i still hit him with a pillow because i'm just the nicest person ever right. :). 

yoongi: yah! i let go! what the fuck was that for. 

y/n: i'm dating you so i can do whatever i want to you. 

he smirked at me and grabbed my face. 

yoongi: and i'm your boyfriend so i can do whatever i want to you as well. 

my eyes widened. no no no. he can't do anything  -_- i'll make namjoon kill him if he does. 

y/n: NO! go away pervert! NAMJOON! NAMJOON! NAM- 

yoongi: shhh your gonna make him think i did sum to you! 

y/n: you tried to d- 

namjoon: what happened!? 

y/n: there's a pervert on my bed! 

i whined at him making yoongi give me a pout look. 

yoongi: yah! you said it first! 

y/n: but i didn't mean it in the way you did! 

namjoon: yah! what happened? 

i explain to him what happened. he just laughed and shook his head. 

namjoon: yoongi don't think about touching her like that got it. 

yoongi nodded but i knew he would do it anyway. i laughed and namjoon left. 

yoongi: y/n, in two weeks in is spring break. let me take you to dubai? 

my face lit up. 


he laughed at my exited self. 

*time skip to the day you guys got to dubai* 

we just arrived to dubai and got to our hotel. this was our view: 

i fell in love as soon as we got there

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i fell in love as soon as we got there. i'm so happy yoongi took me on this trip. not gonna lie i love him so much. 

*time skip*

me and yoongi were laying on the bed. i was cuddled into him when he spoke up. 

yoongi: y/n, i'm a honey little bitch rn. 

my eyes widened. i sat up super quick, and i was about to get up but he grabbed my wrist. 

yoongi: no backing out now princess. come on. please 

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