Mine pt. 1/2

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Yoongi: Y/n how come you never give me what's mine?" He said with frustration. 

Y/n: because I'm not ready. When I'm ready then you will get what's yours." I said. 

Yesterday it was nice to have some me time, but when I got home Jin confused me. Then I got a letter from Ji-yong. And Yoongi gave me 'the look' again. I thought I was defeated until Jin coughed and asked how dinner was. 

I went to my room and Yoongi followed me. He was pretty mad that I wouldn't give him what he wants. He's just a horny bish😂. 

Y/n: look Yoongi, I'm not ready and that don't mean I don't love you, because I do. Can we just watch a movie and cuddle? Please?" I said. His face lightened up and he nodded. 

                                                               *Next morning*

I woke up with Yoongi holding my waist. I tried to get up but his grip tightened. 

Yoongi: stay in bed a little longer." He whined. 

Y/n: no we have school today and we woke up late. Come on!!" I yelled a bit and got myself free. I got up and got ready. 

My hair was straight and I had a hat on and I didn't want to wear makeup today

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My hair was straight and I had a hat on and I didn't want to wear makeup today. I walked out of my bathroom and Yoongi wasn't there. 

Y/n: Finally he got up. Aish" I said to myself. I sighed and went to the kitchen. 

Jin: hi y/n, did you sleep well?" He asked while cooking breakfast. 

Y/n: hi jin, I slept good, how about you?" I smiled. 

Jin: Good. And I slept good as well." He said and handed me a plate with food. 

Y/n: mmmm looks so good, gomabseubnida. (Thank you)" I smiled and sat down.

After I finished eating the boys had already left for school and I was there alone. I started walking to school when I saw Woozi walking to me. I looked down and kept walking. He grabbed my wrist.

Woozi: y/n we haven't talked in months. Please can we start talking again." He pleaded.

I sighed and I smiled. I looked up at him and nodded.

We walked the rest of the way to school together and talked about what's happened. He still has a girlfriend, and he still has a huge group of friends, nothings really changed in our life's. He's still the same Woozi and I'm still the same y/n.

We got to school and we parted ways. I went to my first class and it went by pretty quick. All my other classes I suffered, they took forever. It's now lunch time and I sitting with the boys and Lisa, jisoo, rose and jennie. My head was on yoongis shoulder. I wasn't hungry at lunch. Yoongi lifted my head up and whispered in my ear.

Yoongi: I heard you and Woozi walked to school together. Is that true?"

My heart skipped a beat. Uh oh...

Y/n: y-yes... we were just getting caught up. I'm sorry it won't happen again." I whispered back.

Yoongi: it better not. Your mine not his!" He whispered yelled back at me.

I blushed at his words. He intertwined his hand with mine. I had butterflies in my stummic.

Y/n: Yoongi I love you." I smiled.

Yoongi: I love you too."

                                                   *time skip*

I walked home by myself. Everyone had after school activities, but with me, I just want to go home. When I got home I went straight to my room. I don't know why but I felt sad. Maybe it's because Yoongi won't let me talk to Woozi. Ugh I just want Ji-yong to come home. I layed down and took a nap. 

                                          *time skip*

I woke up from my nap and looked at the time. Its 7 pm already?! Damn. I got out of bed and went down stairs. I looked out the living room window, the boys cars aren't here. Since there not home I want to go on a night walk. I grabbed my hoodie, headphones, and my phone, then left. I walked around the streets and admired the pretty lights and the pretty clothing in the store windows. As I was walking around someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into an alley. 

Y/n: HE-" before I could finish the figure hugged me as tight as possible. 

???: y/n I missed you so much!" 

I recognized that voice. As soon as I remembered who it was I hugged him too. 


Hope you enjoyed!! Who could 'he' be? Hehe comment who you think...

Xx A.R.M.Y❤️❤️🙏💕

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