The end?

16 1 0

y/n p.o.v. 

when we got home it was pretty late. i still needed to talk to jin, but i was scared yoongi would here it. but i have a plan. 

y/n: jinnie? can you take me to the store? 

jin: but we have food he- 

i gave him a look telling him i still needed to talk to him. 

y/n: but jin we don't have any more kimchi 

jin: oooh right. let's go get some then. 

yoongi: i'll come t- 

y/n: no! me and jin never get to spend time together and plus we will be back in less then 15 minutes! 

he sighed and shook his head. 

yoongi : all right, bye. come back safe! 

jin and i waved and left. i sighed as we got to the store. 

jin: so.. what did you want to talk about? 

y/n: j-jin.. 

i looked at my hands while fidgeting with them. it's nerve racking. but i have to confess to jin.. 

jin: what is it y/n? 

y/n: i-i like you jin.. 

his eyes widened and his mouth opened wide. 

jin: b-but y/n,i thought you liked yoongi...?

y/n: i do.. but then i started thinking about how you confessed how you like me and i started thinking of how great you are and everything. jin i don't know what to do. 

jin: look at me. 

he lightly grabbed my chin to make me look at him. he put his forehead on mine. 

jin: y/n, i can't do that to yoongi, you know this. 

i sighed. yes i know it's wrong to like yoongis hyung, but i can't help it. i live with them. i almost moved from the position we were in but he grabbed the back of my head and smashed his lips in mine. my eyes widened but i soon fell into the kiss. after a minute he parted the kiss and put his forehead on mine again. 

jin: sorry, i just was craving to taste your lips before i let you go. 

he gave me a quick peck on the lips before he unbuckled his seat belt. 

jin: well i guess we better get the kimchi and go home before the get suspicious. 

i nodded and we got out. while we were in the store the cashier was looking at us the whole time. we got our item paid then left. i didn't care to ask i just stood close to jin the whole time. we got in the car and made our way home. when we got home, i was about to get out but jin stopped me. 

jin: y/n, can i have one more kiss before i have to let you go forever? 

i smiled at him and nodded. not gonna lie, his kisses are sweet and passionate. i like it. i gave him a quick ish kiss and got our blushing. i opened the front door and was confronted by yoongis mad expression. 

yoongi: you guys were gone for 20 minutes! where were you, and where's the fo- 

jin: the food is right here, and yoongi chill out on our way back we got stuck behind a slow car. 

yoongis face softened and muscles relaxed. aish this boy. i got the bag from jin and walked to the kitchen. i made the boys there food first, and set it on the table. 

y/n: dinner is ready pabos! 

all: yah! we aren't pabos! your the pabo! 

y/n: oh, i could just wat the food by myself and make you guys starve? 

all: no! thank you y/n. 

they smiled at me and went to the table i wasn't hungry so i put my food in the cabinet and left the kitchen. i went to my room and stared at the wall thinking about jin's and mine kiss that happened not to long ago.  i smiled at the thought. i was lost in my thoughts when i heard a knock in my door. i turned around to see who it was.

y/n: oh hi jungkook. what's up? 

jungkook: hi, why aren't you eating? 

y/n: because i don't have an appetite right now. sorry kookie. 

kookie: it's ok, please eat later, i'll get going now. 

y/n: bye. make sure you finish eating. 

he bowed and left. i sighed and get ready for bed. i layed down and fell fast asleep. 


to be continued.... uwu plot twist 😂🥴 

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