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Well, here's the first chapter! Well, it's actually a prologue. I wanted to give you guys a look at the night that James disappeared, but the next chapter and all chapters after that will take place one year later:) xoxoxo, Brooke



“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Carlos grumbled as a large bowl fell from the cabinet, landing upside down on his head. He was now wearing a bowl hat while a laughing James stood in the kitchen entryway. “Ha ha ha, soooo funny.”

“Sheesh, I’m sorry!” James scoffed, grabbing the popcorn from the microwave. No one could miss the snicker that escaped the taller boy’s lips as he removed the bowl from Carlos’ head, sitting it on the island and pouring the popcorn into it. Both boys had been incredibly busy lately, with James’ hockey practices and Carlos’ volunteer work at the animal shelter. The minute they got some free time, ‘Boy’s Night’ was the first thing that came to mind.

“That thing hit me hard.” Carlos whined, grabbing an ice pack from the fridge and wrapping it in a towel before pressing it against the top of his head.

“Right.” James chuckled, giving him a handful of popcorn, which he gladly accepted. “So, Kendall and Logan aren’t coming?”

“Nah, Kendall had to watch Katie and apparently Logan is trying to study for some test he’s got coming up.” Carlos uttered as they walked over to the black leather couch. He couldn’t help being just a tad confused as to why James sat on the opposite side of the couch, but it was nothing new. James had always preferred for people to keep their distance. Unless he was drunk. Then he loved everything and everyone.



“This show’s lame.” 

“It’s totally not!” Carlos argued. The truth was, he didn’t even know the show’s name. It was supposedly a drama/suspense, but the suspense was hardly suspense at all. It was just that there was nothing else to watch, unless James wanted to spend the night watching Carlos’ collection of Spongebob Squarepants DVDs.

“Yeah, it’s lame.” 


“It’s stoooopid.”

“Fiiiiiine.” Carlos groaned. “What can we watch?”

James grabbed the remote, turning it to the CW. Carlos rolled his eyes. The Vampire Diaries. Of course.

“So, we’re gonna sit here and watch you go crazy over ‘sexy vampire Nina’?”

“That’s exactly what we’re gonna do.”

Carlos shook his head. James was girl crazy, no doubt about it. He couldn’t even stick to just one celebrity crush. He had printed pictures of Nina Dobrev, Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, and Demi Lovato pinned to the wall by his bed. Part of Carlos worried about his friend’s obsession, but the other part just assumed that James was simply going through some kind of crazy teen-life crisis or something.

Somewhere in the middle of the episode, James took out his cell phone, to which Carlos responded by glaring at him.

“If you tweet anything inappropriate to Nina, she’s gonna see it and she’s gonna report you to the authority’s and you’ll be in jail for harassment.”

“Calm down, I was texting my mom.” James chuckled, sitting his green iPhone 5C on the coffee table, leaning back comfortably against the pillows. Carlos shrugged, returning his attention to the TV. As time went on, he noticed that James appeared to be continually looking towards the windows and the door.

“You...okay there?”

“What? Yeah, sure.” James bit his lip softly, looking at the TV. Carlos raised his eyebrows, but didn’t pursue the subject farther. James would take whenever he wanted to and Carlos wasn’t going to force him into anything.

“When will your mom and Jeff be back tomorrow?” He asked instead. Jeff was Mrs. Diamond’s fiance, James’ soon-to-be stepfather, a fact that, judging by the look on James’ face, he was not happy about. 

“2:30, maybe 3:00, I don’t know.” The brunette said impatiently, getting up and grabbing his black South Pole hoodie off the recliner and putting it on. “Hey, I’m getting pretty tired. What about you?”

“Yeah, I actually am.” Carlos agreed, picking up the bowl of popcorn and turning the TV off.. He saw a tiny smile cross James’ face, although he didn’t see what was funny about him keeping the bowl of popcorn next to his sleeping back. If he woke up in the middle of the night, he might get hungry!

The two boys walked up the stairs and down the long hallway until they reached James’ Superman themed bedroom. Carlos sat the popcorn next to his sleeping bag, then approached the bathroom door. “Hey, I’m gonna brush my teeth real quick. I’ll be back in a sec?”

“Yeah, sure.” James crawled under the blue covers, heaving a loud sigh. Carlos shrugged and entered the restroom, reaching for his toothbrush. However, he still wondered what James had been looking at the door and windows for. He had seen James show paranoid tendencies before, but he had always been afraid to ask.


To: Carlos

From: Kendall

HELP. Katie had some friends over and I think they’re trying to kill me.


To: Kendall

From: Carlos

I highly doubt that they’re trying to kill you.

Just as he began brushing his teeth, he heard a noise coming from the room. It was a squeaking noise, following by a small crash.

“James?” He frowned, spitting out the toothpaste before rinsing. 

“W-what are y-you doing here?”

“Getting my son back!” 

Carlos peeked through the slightly open door, into the room. A blonde haired man dressed in black was yanking James from the bed. Carlos gasped as a pocket knife was pressed against his friend’s throat, tears filling his eyes. He assumed that the man was James’ father, but James had never really mentioned his dad before.

“D-don’t--” James gasped. “W-what about--”

Shut up!” The man growled, pushing James towards the door. “Now, we are gonna calmly go downstairs and out to my car. Got that? You won’t fight me, you won’t try to run away. If you do, I’ll kill you.”

Carlos stood with his back pressed to the door, gasping. He almost screamed as the door was suddenly yanked open and he was pulled out of the restroom, thrown violently to the door. With James still in his clutches and the knife pressed against the boy’s neck, the man looked down at Carlos, a dark look on his face.

“And you.” He said coldly. “You better not ever tell anyone you saw me. If I find out that you told anyone, I will kill James. Do you understand?” James looked at Carlos, nodding, and silently pleading.

“I-I won’t say anything.” The frightened boy breathed. He wanted to tell, but he would be damned before he put James’ life in jeopardy. If keeping James alive meant keeping this a secret, then he knew what he had to do.

“Now, let’s go!” James’ dad pushed his son out the door, and Carlos watched as his best friend was taken away from him for good.

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