I Wanna Know

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Well, here's the new chapter! Hope you enjoy :) xoxoxo, Brooke


“I personally like the cute blonde. I think her name’s...Jo? I heard someone call her Jo.”

“Well, her friend is pretty cute. Um...Camille, I think.”

“Well,” Carlos interrupted. “I met this one girl named Kat and she’s...pretty cool.”

“Is that the girl with the guitar, sitting by herself?” Kendall asked. Carlos nodded. “Oooh, yeah, she’s hot. I see you’re going for the bad girls these days, Carlitos. Although, I’d be careful. She might be a little too edgy for you.”

“And are you implying that I can’t handle a bad girl?”

“Carlos, remember that girl Marlena back in Springfield? You tried dating her and you found out that she likes to hunt and her favorite movie is The Exorcist and that her entire bedroom is covered with One Direction posters. You avoided her like the plague after that!”

Oh, what did Logan know?

“For your information, Kat is an actress and she plays country music.”

“Huh....And what if you find out she's totally psychotic?”

“Whatever. I’ve got somewhere to be.” Carlos stood up, waiting for one of his two friends to speak up, but Logan was now too distracted by The Hunger Games (the book) and Kendall was clearly conflicted over whether to actually talk to Jo. Without another word, Carlos turned around and headed to the elevator, realizing that he had his own problem to deal with.

And that problem was James.

God, why had James hid away for so long?

Inside the elevator, he began searching through the internet for a few articles about James’ disappearance. Every single one of them said that James was believed to be dead. How had he managed to go undetected for more than a year? For this entire year, he had fooled everyone to believing that he was dead, only for Carlos to find him alive and well.


“Apartment...4A. Yeah, that was it.” He murmured as he stepped onto the fourth floor. He approached the door, hesitantly raising his fist to knock. He already knew what to expect, but what did he have to lose? Well....Okay, James’ trust for one thing, but James had already lost Carlos’ trust. So if he wanted to pry a little, it didn’t matter.

A middle aged woman, about fifty years old, answered the door. She was wearing an artist apron and was holding an unused paintbrush in her hand. This must have been the Victoria that James briefly mentioned yesterday. She had warm, caring green eyes and a kind smile. 

“H-hi! Is James here?”

“He’s actually at work right now, but why don’t you come in? He should be back in about an hour.” Victoria guided him over to the couch, sitting him down before heading into the kitchen. “Would you like something to drink?”

“Um, a Coke would be nice, if you have one...”

“I’m never without access to a can of Cola, dear.” She said, bringing him a familiar red can. Due to spending a big part of the morning in the hot Los Angeles sun, he needed a good refreshment. So he eagerly opened the can and took a sip, watching as Victoria sat across from him. “What’s your name, dear?”

“Carlos. I’m an old friend of James’.” He replied, sitting the Coke on the coffee table. “Can I ask what your connection to James is? How you met him?”

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