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Chris and you were out shopping for furniture, since you guys just moved into a new home. "I like this one baby" you said. It was a kinda beige, you then sat down on it to make sure it was comfortable.

"Hmmm" you hummed, then you suddenly heard someone call out your name. You turned to see who it was, a smile grew across your face. "Oh my gosh! Brad" you said getting up.

He went in giving you a hug, which caused him to lift you off your feet a little bit. "Y/N can't believe it's you, haven't seen you in forever" Brad said before putting you down.

You fixed yourself, then pushed some hair behind your face. "I know, it's been so long" you replied.

You glanced over seeing Chris glaring at Brad, you quickly took his hand letting him know there's no need to be jealous.

"Yeah, it really has" Brad replied. He looked at Chris then at you. "We definitely need to hang out, one last time before we both get really busy" he said.

This caused Chris to remove his hand, he wrapped it around your waist pulling you closer to him. You knew he was very jealous at this point, to be honest you thought it was adorable.

"Definitely, would love that" You replied with a smile. He nodded his head then gave you one last hug, waved bye to Chris then walked away from you both.

Chris turned to look at you, with a questioning look. "What?" you asked, knowing what he was going to say.

"Why didn't you tell me you and that guy..." Chris started to say but you stopped him.

"Really Chris? He's gay can't you see that?" you asked then rolled your eyes. "I swear men get so defensive sometimes" you added.

"Well of course I am, you're mine and no one else's" Chris stepped in front of you. He looked down at you, blue eyes connecting to y/e/c. "I just don't want anyone trying to steal you baby" Chris shrugged.

You blushed slightly then bite your bottom lip, he always did something to you. "No one is going to steal me away from you baby, I promise" you you replied. You stood on your tippy toes to give him a kiss, after a few minutes you pulled away. "I love you so much baby" you said.

"I love you too" Chris replied. He moved his hand from you waist, then took a hold of your hand. "Let's get out of here, I could really use a back rub" he winked; which caused you to roll your eyes because it always leads to something more.

With that you both walked out the furniture store, headed towards Chris's truck. He opened the door for you, that was one of the things you loved about him. "Why thank you sir" you said, which made him bow like you were a queen.

Chris got inside the drivers side and began to drive, he caught you glancing over at him. "Something wrong?" he asked.

You shook your head no, then smiled at him. "Everything is perfect" you replied, then took a hold of his free hand.

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