Chapter 9- confession?

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dayum that ass tho- oh and by the way picture isn't apart of the story hehe ^^' the ass tho am i right?! ok ok i'll stop....

pidge's pov (cuz why the fuck not?)

i had the perfect dare for y/n....hehehehee.....''ok get on with the dare already!'' y/n said clearly frustrated. ''welp this'll be good'' hunk said, ''i dare you to kiss keith!!! Oh i love my life....'' i said with a evil smiled. (i swear pidge would be my best friend in voltron) ''WHAT?!'' emo boi and y/n said at the same time and i grinned. ''its a dare you have to do it i guess?'' shiro said smiling, i guess i did him a favor with payback. ''keith, y/n do it!'' i said smirking, ''KISS KISS! FALL IN LOVE!!'' lance shouted and i gave him a thumbs up. y/n looked at keith and gulped, a blush was rising on both of their faces. I got my my phone out ready and i created my y/n x keith ship folder before hand so i was prepared. I saw them inching towards eachother slowly. It was taking forever so i decided to help them. Hehehe love shipping so much.....I went behind y/n and pushed her into keith to speed up the process. ''WOAH!-'' was the last words she said before locking lips with keith. As soon as they made contact their eyes were glued shut and as soon as they made contact my index finger made contact with the phone and while they were kissing you could hear the clicks of pictures being taken. They kissed for about a minute and then it turned into a makeout. ''GET A ROOM!'' me, lance, hunk and shiro yelled at the same time while the two lovebirds broke apart gasping for air. ''i think you two need to go and talk alone....I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE MY SHIP SAILED-''i yelled then shiro cut me off ''PIDGE LANGUAGE!!'' shiro shouted angrily and then i mouthed sorry. ''i think we do need some time alone....'' i heard keith say to y/n i basically sat there grinning like a idiot. y/n nodded to keith and they both headed to his room. I was sitting there looking through the pictures satisfied with  myself. ''well i think we should carry on with the game'' shiro said. ''but we don't have enough people anymore'' hunk said disappointed. ''lets go ask corran and allura to come joins us then'' lance purred and i nodded.

-with y/n and keith-

keiths pov

me and y/n walked into my room and we just stood there awkwardly. I was deep in thought. I mean could i really like y/n? She's just so....amazing. Her beautiful red hair and her hazel crystal orbs down to her flawless skin and thats only a a fifth of why i think of her so highly. Her personality is the main reason i admire her. She's an amazing fighter, she's smart, kind and she shows more emotion now. She gets along with everyone, EVEN lance! And he flirts with her half of the time which makes me really mad for some reason. I clench my fists at the thought, then i get snapped out of it by a hand waving in front of my face. ''hellooooooooo keith did you die?'' i hear her say. I chuckle and look into her obs ''s-soo about the k-kiss?'' i say stuttering. She looks into my eyes and gazes i wait until she says something ''keith i need to tell you something, i like you and i know you may not like me back i mean how could you like me back?  and the kiss was just a dare and i mean i-i'm nothing to you and i am just so-'' i cut off her rambling by gently clashing my lips with hers and she kissed me back as we both shut our eyes melting into the kiss. I break it apart and cup her cheek moving a strand of her hair out of her face and behind her ear. I gaze into her crystal eyes, i could get lost in them ''i...i love you too y/n and your everything to me'' i say to her in a whisper and she smiles and surprises me into a hug.

-times skip brought to you by keefy's fine ass-I MEAN I SAID NOTHING- SHIT I'M EXPOSED-

Burning Rose / y/n's pov

After that confession i was so happy, i haven't felt happiness since my planet was destroyed and after that i felt no emotion except sadness and even then i had to hide that. After me hugging keith we decided to cuddle in his bed. My thigh high boots, the daggers i always keep with me and my cloak were scattered on the floor along with keith's shirt, combat boots and belt (NOPE HE DID NOT TAKE HIS TROUSERS OFF SORRY YOU DIRTY MINDED PEOPLE) . ''YOU MUST DESTROY THE PALADINS NOW AND TAKE VOLTRON BURNING ROSE! REMEMBER NO EMOTION, NO WEAKNESS!!!'' i heard haggars voice echo in my mind telepathically.

This is why i'm here

i slipped out of keiths grasp

this is what i have been training for

i grabbed a dagger from the floor

if i do this haggar with take away my suffering

i climbed on top of keith carefully trying not to wake him up and pointed the dagger to his bare chest

i shouldn't have let my guard down

i raised the dagger ready to stab him in the chest

i shouldn't have loved him.....

i closed my eyes with tears running down my face and i strike the dagger towards his chest but as soon as i open my eyes the dagger hadn't touched his skin. My hands were shaking and the dagger hovering above his bare chest. Tears streamed down my face faster as i threw the dagger across the room making it hit the wall. 

i love him and nothing is going to change that....

I got back into the covers and let keith's arms embrace me wrapping around me and pulling me close. I guess i was loud while i cried because he half woke up and whispered ''what happened?'' i felt his body warmth. ''i just had a nightmare'' i lied to him making him pull me closer ''i will always be here and i will always protect you, even if it was just a nightmare'' he said into my ear, his words made me smile. But haggar will find out by morning that i didn't kill the paladins...

i couldn't because they're like family to me....and keith well...i love him...

was this cheesy? i hope it wasn't too bad...okay baii bitches

okay i'm sorry my sister dared me to say that >.<'

~Princess L <3

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