Mess is the proper word.

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     Keith sat in the Galran cruiser's mess hall (for lack of the Galran name for such a place.) It was where delicacy met catastrophe. No Vrepit Sal to cook for you here. Just dreck. Dreck that the crew loved. Even Acxa. He wondered about her as he stirred his "Glack plag," which was kind of a mild soup with meat? Maybe it was meat... and vegetables. It was the only food on board that the Paladin could consistently manage to eat without gagging. Acxa had explained to him numerous times how Lotor had misrepresented himself to her. To be honest he didn't really buy it.  He totally believed that she was on his side, on the Voltron coalition's side, yet maybe she wasn't as good as she was playing at. Which was fine really. Nothing had developed between them romantically as everyone seemed to expect. Which was fine. Too much was at stake, and frankly, he simply couldn't trust her like that. Her actions had spoken loudly but her motivations were still a mystery. He missed the Paladins. Shiro especially. He almost lost him and then he just leaves him on earth  to travel the cosmos with this crazy woman at the helm. Killing Sendak was a strong argument for him filling the power vacuum in the empire, but did he really want that? Of course he realized it had never been about what he wanted.  "Ugh Glack Plag indeed" he handed the rest to a nearby soldier who looked like he could eat it and three more bowls. He headed toward the bridge. He felt a bit like a child, but was still compelled to find Acxa and ask if they were "there yet."

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