Never stopped to greive.

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Shiro felt sick. "I let him leave alone." Allura could see his palor. She knew her news was horrible but she hadn't expected such an intense reaction.

"Are you alright?" She scrunched her face up with concern.

"No, I..." He turned to the war room table to brace himself. Allura put her arm around him and helped him into a seat. He hugged her as his head plummeted into her shoulder and he sobbed. She held him tighter.

"Keith will be fine, we are going to him as quickly as we can get the Atlas re-staffed. Sam, Coran, and Veronica are on their way here now."
She took his chin and looked him in the eyes. "You never stopped to grieve. Not for your parents. Not for your arm. Not for Adam. I'll handle this briefing with Veronica, and you go rest. Cry... let it all out. I understand, although, I never knew before now."
Shiro looked at her. His sadness was there but also a mix of dread and fear of her reaction. She smiled at him. "I love him too, Shiro. We will stop at nothing to get him back." She kissed his cheek and helped him up. "You have the coordinates from your last communique?" He nodded. "Forward them to me. We will be on our way in less than a varga."

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