Soul's Mate

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Soul's Mate

The sweet chirping of birds, echoing through her head like the ringing of dozens of tinkling bells, slowly pulled Waverly from sleep. Warm sunlight caressed her body as a sweet breeze blew away any heat that might be building as a result.

There was a strange, dream-like quality fogging over her brain as she opened her eyes and found her gaze completely enraptured by glittering colors. Pale purples, light blue, and a delicate, lovely pink swirled in her vision, shimmering together in the light that she could feel kissing her skin. She couldn't tell if the tinkling came from the birds or the colors for a long minute.

Blinking slowly, Waverly took in a deep breath. As she let it out, she recognized that the colors over her head came from a large, tile mosaic placed into the ceiling. The swirling colors didn't make any distinguishable shapes, but the smooth, rolling colors were comforting to stare at.

Waverly didn't think about anything for a long minute. Either because she couldn't, or simply because she didn't want to, she wasn't sure. That, in and of itself, was too complex of a thought.

Another breeze blew over her prone form, lifting a sheer white fabric into the corner of her vision. The movement turned her eyes to track the motion.

The large canopy, trailing down from the mosaic ceiling, sparkled in the sunlight coming down from the large, open windows that surrounded the circular room and opened in two crescent shapes on the ceiling.

Was she dead?

Pushing herself up, Waverly frowned when the white sheet spread over her body pooled around her waist, revealing that she was nude. Without thinking, she grabbed the edge of the sheet and pulled it up again, frowning as her brain finally started whirring into action.

The large, circular bed she had been placed in felt like feather down and caressed her body with the softest of cotton sheets. The air was hot, but filled with the scent of flowers. She couldn't see anything perched where she was, but she heard the rushing of water somewhere.

The blue lady and the strange water world she had passed through were still fresh on her mind. As was the large building, the handsome man, and the foreign city. However, she couldn't, for the life of her, remember how it was she got here.

Scooting over, Waverly dropped her legs over the side of the bed. Her bare feet hit sun warmed stone and she continued to stare around at the unfamiliar room.

Despite the ceiling windows, without even glass set inside of them, she couldn't see much except for blue sky and what looked like a stone wall. Not that she was all that keen on getting too close, considering she only had a white sheet to cover herself.

Which brought up a new, worrying question.

Why was she naked?

Moving the sheet aside, she began checking her body for damage. Aside from some typical aches she would expect after a long dance session – which had just happened – she didn't actually hurt. There were no bruises she could find and, to her supreme relief, she couldn't detect any signs that someone had forced themselves on her.

In fact, she felt rather good. Her body was sore from dance practice, but that wasn't altogether unfamiliar. And, aside from that annoying tattoo, there was nothing else about her that was abnormal or unexpected.

Although, when she took a closer look at the tattoo, she couldn't help but think that the colors had become somehow... shinier?

The swirling lines were still white and silver, but there was something decidedly different about them that she couldn't really put her finger on. Running her hands over her belly, she frowned at their relative warmth in comparison to the rest of her skin.

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