Farewell's Interruption

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Farewell's Interruption

"This is such glorious news!" Ishina cried, near squealing as she pulled back Waverly's hair. "I think I might cry, I'm so happy."

"Compose yourself, Ishina." Nadia said calmly from across the room, not even looking up from her task as she put away Waverly's freshly laundered clothing.

"I'm sorry." Ishina beamed, clearly not sorry at all. "How can I not be excited, though? Master Rois and Lady Waverly will be having a child. We have to give thanks to the goddess."

"That will have to wait until afterwards. And don't miss any of her hair."

"Hm?" Ishina leaned back, grimacing when she saw a stray strand of Waverly's hair dangling alongside her neck. She had missed it when she tried to gather it altogether. "I'm sorry, my lady. Sara is so much better at this than I am."

Waverly, who had been staring at nothing, still a bit stunned from the whole pregnancy thing, didn't even realize she had spoken for a long minute. She blinked, slowly coming back to herself when she realized that Ishina had stopped and was looking at her curiously.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked, forcing herself back to the present.

"Are you all right, my lady?" Ishina frowned. "Are you perchance getting sick already?"

"Probably a bit early for that." Waverly grumbled, sighing. "I've never heard of a couple day old pregnancy before. This is ridiculous."

"My lady, are you... unhappy?" Ishina's hands stilled as Nadia looked their way.

"I wouldn't say I'm unhappy. More to say that I'm... stunned? We've had sex like... Okay, it wasn't just once, but it was one night. Just my luck, of course I'm going to get pregnant after our first time together. I don't even know why I'm surprised."

"It is the will of the goddess." Ishina nodded, apparently satisfied with her explanation. "And, it is well known that soul mates tend to produce more children than regular couples."

"I bet that's more due to our desires to always be with each other than anything." Waverly began adjusting the bracelets on her wrist. "And I am not becoming a baby factory. I'm going to want some contraception next time."

"What is that?"

Waverly groaned. "I'm doomed."

"Do not worry yourself, my lady." Nadia said, walking her way now that she had finished storing Waverly's clothes in her trunks. "The goddess shall see you through your births and it will be quite a joy for us to help you care for your young."

"Hurray for nanny services." Waverly put her fist in the air lifelessly. "I'm more worried about the barefoot and pregnant thing though."

"Why would being pregnant necessitate you being barefoot?"

"Never mind."

"That seems rather foolish considering being barefoot would only increase the odds of hurting your feet and it is generally wise to avoid injury during pregnancy."

Waverly sighed again. "I'm being maudlin, aren't I?'

"You are, my lady." Nadia nodded. "Do not despair, though. I understand that pregnancy plays with your emotions. I used to cry at packed dirt when I was carrying."

"Oh, good, so that's still the same." Waverly couldn't resist, she laughed. "It probably doesn't help that we're saying goodbye to Hatti and Ramus today. I'm really going to miss them."

"You will see them again." Ishina beamed at her. "And you will be able to introduce your child to them when you do."

Waverly pouted, trying not to think about the whole pregnancy thing. At least, considering how incredibly early she was, she didn't have to worry about it for a long while. However, she couldn't fully forget that the whole reason the goddess had declared her pregnancy, probably the whole reason she was pregnant at all, was because the goddess planned on using her daughter.

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