Chapter 5

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Everyone quieted after the big revelation. Lance leaned his body with his now healed hand that rested as a support on his body. His chest puffing sexily as the tightness of the healing suit traced every curve of his body, his face remained stoic as he smirks, playing on the idea that somebody/ or someone is going to fuck him till he feels something.  Normally, his face would be blazing hot right now, but he can't feel or express anything, so sucks to be them, UWU.

"So, any volunteers?" Lance smirks,  as he ran his fingers on his hair. Keith and Shiro gulped as they fight their urge to raise their hands in desperate attempt to have Lance for themselves. 

"How about you, big guy?" Lance laughs, as he skip toward Hunk, momentarily forgetting he was still weak, only to tumble towards him. Everyone gasps, reflexes turned on. Hunk caught him before he can hit the ground though. "Easy, Lance." The yellow paladin gasps, bringing him to his arms. Lance grins before wrapping his arms on Hunk's torso. 

"So, what do you think?" The Blue Paladin says, glancing up at Hunk as he projects a dashing smile on his face that made Shiro and Keith reeling.  Hunk sweatdropped before waving him off.

"Sorry, dude. I have Shay." He laughed, Lance looked at him boredly before feigning annoyance. "Urgh.. lame~" He then looked over at Allura before wiggling his eyebrows in a silent invitation which she just rolled her eyes at. Frowning, Lance looked over at Coran. 

"Coran?" The said man laughed sheepishly, sweat dropping.  "No can do, My boy.  You are just like a son to me." he replied, backing away towards Allura's back. Lance's frame slugged forward.

"How about you Pidge?"

"Come 2 feet near within my bubble and I'll rip you apart."


"I'm serious."


Lance sighs as he leans over Hunks shoulder. Feigning ignorance as he dully avoided Shiro and Keith knowing full well  that those two are off limits. I mean, he lost the ability to feel, not his ability to remember shit. 

"Is anyone going to help me overcome this or not?" He exclaims, frowning. He doesn't actually give two shits about this, and besides if no one really does come forward maybe he can use this numbness as an advantag-.

"You skipped us Lance." Keith grumbles, eyes dark with fury. 

"Yeah, well, we all know you're off limits, Mullet." The brunette says, eyes cold. His usual warm blue ocean eyes are now icy cold, like those of the sky in the atlantic. 

"Well, we want to help you." Shiro butts in, eyes dark yet comforting. Lance snickers. 

"Yeah, no. I may be numb right now, but that did not do anything on my memories. Last time I checked, I'm no homewrecker." he says, as he looked at his surroundings for more options, unclenching his hold on Hunk's shoulder.

"We're saying that we volunteer, Lance! Why are you so stubborn!" Keith grumbles,  clenching his hands, stopping himself from launching at the said brunette. 

"And I said no, Keith, Shiro. You don't need to pity me, you know? I'll find someone who'll be willing." he says, as he limps away. Shiro and Keith eyed the rest of the paladins as a silent agreement. Almost everyone knows about the golden couple's inner desire on Lance except he himself. Hunk threw a small warning glare at the golden couple before nodding. 

Keith smirked, before nudging at Shiro who nodded. 

They love Lance.

And they would make sure he knows it.


Lance limps towards his room, his leg and torso was getting better but it still needs to heal by its own, since its still sore from the wounds inflicted previously. He sighs as he nears his room, only to yelp really loudly when someone swooped him out of his feet  

"What the chicken nugge- Shiro! Put me down!" Lance yelps, though he didn't really care about anything, his inner mentality (or rather the previous emotional Lance) was screaming for someone to save him from the hot man who is currently carrying him to.. -T-their room! 

Lance whips his head only to see Keith with a medical kit, looking smug as fuck. 

"Keith, what are you guys doing?" he asks, genuinely curious.  Keith smirks, and Lance feels all of his blood drooping, he doesn't know how but it did. 

"We're doing my way, this time."

Lance only looks at them with confusion before the trio went inside the room, closing the doors with a soft woosh. 

-End of Chapter 5-

(I'm sorry its short, I'll try to be better next time. Also, probably lemon next time.)

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