HEY GUYS! I'm on holiday at the moment but I thought I'd use the time to think of some ideas for the story. I only get wifi of a night in the hotel so I'll try to create of a day and publish of a night.
Hunters P.O.V
My head was killing as I opened my eyes slightly. As soon as I opened them, I squeezed them together quickly because of the light in the room. It was like a moment from one if those films where the monster or whatever screams 'THE LIGHT! IT BURNS!'.
As I woke up, I took the time to take note of my surroundings. I was in a room in Daniels house? Well, it smelt like Daniels house and the bedding looked familiar. I knew by the smell that it was Dans house because it smelt like fresh flowers and cleaning products. Yeah, I know, real badass for one of the toughest guys in the area. What can I say, his mom takes real pride in her home just like my mom.
"Wakey wakey eggs n' bakey" Daniel called from the door of the room, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed. "How's your head?" Well I know it hurts pretty bad but why is it-oh shit! The bar! The fight! Poppy!
I scrambled up but was gently pushed back onto the bed by Daniel. My head hurt like hell. "Easy dude, you took quite the beating by scarface. You can't stand up too quick or your head will kill. Am I right?"
I nodded at him. I can remember going to the bathroom to go and get Poppy but then everything going black. I guess that's the moment scarface took his chance to knock me out.
"Where is she?" I asked him.
"She's okay, out like a light but she's doing okay" he told me.
"Wait what? Why's she out like a light? She's just sleeping right? Because she's tired? Dan, tell me dude!" I started to panic and he rose his hands up trying to calm me down. "Okay, okay. I'll tell you but you can't get mad" this instantly makes me mad, "scar got her, he attacked her and...Tried to...Almost...Do things to her. But he didn't. She was conscious when we got her but she was a mess so she just blacked out. She hasn't woken up since but she probably will soon."
And he expected me not to be mad.
"Take me to her" I told him.
"Dude I don't think-"
"Now!" I told him with a bit more force this time. I felt bad for yelling at him but I really had to see her.
"Okay but I'll warn you now, you won't like what you see" he told me. Maybe I won't like what I'll see but I'm a big boy. I can handle it. We left the room and although my head was killing, I kept walking because I had to see her. We walked to a room about five doors down from the room I was in and dan stopped at the doorway. He gave me a look and then turned round to face inside the room. I walked past him and looked at the sleeping, bruised figure sleeping in the bed.
She had a split lip, a bruised cheekbone and a black eye. Alice and Ellie were sitting next to her while Ellie bandaged up Poppy's swollen hand and Alice cleared up any blood from her nose or lip. Judging by her injuries I can see that she put up a fight, good. But by looking at her injuries I can also tell that she didn't exactly win.
Just by looking at her I could feel the anger surging through my veins and all I wanted to do was kill scarface for doing this to a girl that I cared about. I know I deny it, act like a player and pretend I don't but I really do care about her. I know it and everyone else knows it too.
Everyone was in the room and as soon as they saw me they all got up and left, leaving me and an unconscious Poppy alone. I sat down next to her and held her bandaged hand. I ran my thumb over her knuckles softly as I thought of what I should have done to save her from ending up like this.

Neighbours with the bad boy
RomanceMy first story so please enjoy. Poppy is the good girl. Hunter is a gangster and bad boy. What happens when you add a good girl and a bad boy? A very good wattpad story! This story isn't very pg-13 so be aware.