Hunters P.O.V
Shit! I knew this would happen. I sat reading the note with anger coursing through every vein in my body. How dare he! Poppy sat on the couch looking at me with an unreadable expression.
Her glossy brown hair was thrown up in a messy bun which still made her look gorgeous- Hunter! Her brown eyes were glazed and it looked like she wanted to cry. I couldn't blame her, I'd cry! This was all my fault, if I had've just avoided her then none of this would of happened.
I stood up and paced up and down the room. Look at her! So vulnerable and it was my fault! I drew my fist back and punched the concrete wall in front of me again and again and again and ag- wait? Poppy had a hold of my arm, stopping me from punching the wall again.
"Stop, you're going to hurt yourself" she whispered. I looked down at her. She was so beautiful- no, stop it Hunter! She grabs my fist in her hand and looks at my red and swollen knuckles. She runs her hand over my knuckles gently. We look at each other and we stare into each others eyes. She bites her lip and looks down like she's embarrassed. I hold her chin and softly lift her head up with my thumb and finger.
"We came here as soon as we got your call! What...Oh" a smirking Daniel says as he walks through the door catching me and Poppy having a moment. As much as I love the guy he could've knocked and saved me and Poppy the embarrassment.
"Did we interrupt something here?" Alice said wiggling her eyebrows. I smirked when I saw Poppy's face heat up with embarrassment. "Yeah, we were about to have a really hot make out session but you guys interrupted" I said trying to lighten the mood a bit.
"Pffft, in your dreams Hunter" Poppy said challenging me. "No doll, in yours" I said back. She pulled a face at me and we all laughed.
"Okay, back to the matter at hand" Daniel said and we all stopped laughing as we remembered the real reason I'd called them all here. "What's happened?" Jack said. "Yeah what he said" Ethan replied. I'm taking it no one has told them what happened then.
"Brody, he sent Poppy a note threatening her and her family, it had pictures of her family in it as well. He means business. Poppy thinks he was watching her at school today too" I clench my jaw as I remember her face and the panic when she bumped into me today. Everyone looks angry, Ellie and Alice look like they want to claw some eyes out and the rest of the guys look like they are pretty pissed.
"I said I'd join the gang" Poppy chirps in which makes us all look at her and smile. I, on the other hand am not so pleased about her joining, I know that it's going to be dangerous and if anything happened to her, I couldn't live with myself.
"That's fantastic!" Daniel says. Everyone smiles and hugs her. "No! It isn't fantastic! Even if she joins the gang, she's still in danger and if anything it probably adds more risk to something happening! I look over at Poppy "you are still in danger, are you sure this is what you want?" She thinks for a minute and then nods her head at me.
"This is what I want" as soon as those words leave her mouth, I feel angry. She is getting herself into something bad and she won't be able to handle it.
"Well then Poppy, welcome to the family" Ellie says to Poppy. And everyone starts to celebrate. I look at Daniel and then shake my head and walk out into the back yard.
When I get outside I pull out a cigarette and light it up and take a big puff of it.
"What's wrong man?" Daniel must've followed me out here. "I dunno man, I don't like the feeling of this" I tell him.
"The feeling of what?" He asks. "I don't want her in the gang, she could get hurt" I say releasing another puff of my cigarette. He looks at me with a smile. I look at him before saying "what? That smile is fucking scary".
We both laugh before he says "I think you like her" I choke on the smoke from my cigarette. "W-what? No dude, I don't like her" I cough out before saying "she's too girly for me, I like me a bad girl, not a miss goody goody".
He carries on smirking at me "whatever you say man, I see the way you look at her! I think she'll surprise us, I don't think she's as much of a goody goody as you think" he walks inside and I'm left on my own. I put my cigarette out and walk inside. As I walk into the living room, Poppy and the girls are sitting on the couch and they are talking and laughing about something.
I don't know, there's something about her, something that makes me want more of her. Nah, she's a good girl, I haven't got time for that.

Neighbours with the bad boy
RomanceMy first story so please enjoy. Poppy is the good girl. Hunter is a gangster and bad boy. What happens when you add a good girl and a bad boy? A very good wattpad story! This story isn't very pg-13 so be aware.