Part 11

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"This has happened for the last time! You are going back to Canada!" Captain Holt yelled at me more out of concern than anything else. "You know what your right i'll leave." He still looked pissed. "You're lucky you didn't end up in the hospital this time! You know how worried I was when Jeffords came up to me and said one of my detectives was almost kidnapped!" He calmed down when he noticed how startled I looked. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'll let you say your goodbyes and then have Diaz escorts you back to your apartment." I looked him in the eyes and said. "It's been an honour working with you Captain." I shook his hand. "Good luck detective." I marched out of his office and into the bullpen.

"Y/N what happened in there?! All we could hear was screaming!" Terry asked. "Well, to put it in short form.....
I'm going back to Canada." All the detectives had the same look on their faces. "I'm supposed to say goodbye and have Rosa escort me back to my apartment. So goodbye for now."

"You're a detective, eh"--Brooklyn 99Where stories live. Discover now