1- Harry

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1- Harry


A pair of arms flung themselves around my shoulders and I hugged Beth back, laughing.

"Wow, Beth, you'd think we hadn't seen each other in months- you do realise you saw me two days ago, right?" I asked, drawing back.

Beth just shrugged. "That's a long time to go without me, though, right?"

"You wish," I smirked. I was well used to Beth's dramatic greetings by now- I'd only been her best friend for four years, after all.

Beth feigned offence, bringing a hand to her heart. I rolled my eyes at her and slung my bag down on the floor beside my locker, shaking my jumper sleeve back to reveal my key, dangling from a thin silver bracelet on my wrist along with my house keys. I turned the key in the lock and began transferring my books from bag to locker (I know, it's a laborious task) when there was a loud crash from nearby.

Everyone in the locker room turned around to see my best friend Bonnie, who was standing by the pile of books that had fallen from her locker with a sheepish look on her face. Laughing, Beth and I went over to help her.

"My mum's gonna kill me if I have to buy another new book," Bonnie huffed, picking up her Spanish textbook, the front cover bent and torn.

I couldn't help but laugh again as I placed a couple of books back in my locker. This wasn't the first time this had happened, and I doubted it would be the last. Bonnie wasn't exactly careful with her belongings.

"So, where are Marina and Lucy and the rest of them?" I asked as I picked up a copybook.

Bonnie paused for a second, as if just noticing their absence, then shrugged.

"They weren't here when I came in," Beth chimed in.

Just then, the locker room door burst open. Marina came in, looking flustered- which was unlike her- followed by the rest of our group.

"Sophie," Marina uttered, glancing cautiously at Beth.

"Hello to you too," I said sarcastically, even though I could tell that this probably wasn't the time to be sarcastic. I mean, she was my best friend- I could tell something was up.

"Um... we need to talk to you," Grace said apprehensively.


All eyes turned to Beth, who folded her arms and cast them a suspicious look.

"What? What is it?" She questioned.

Just then, the locker room door opened again. Harry O'Hara strode in, an easy grin on his tanned face. I watched him carefully; what did he think he was doing in here? Behind him, I could see his usual posse standing at the door, egging him on.

He stopped in front of me.

"You're not allowed in here," I told him.

"That's just being sexist. How come you're allowed in our locker rooms, then?" he asked. He did have a point there; for some reason, it was fine for girls to go into the boys' locker room, but it was prohibited for the boys go into the girls' room. Not that I minded.

"Harry, hi," Beth said, flashing her best smile at him.

He smiled at her, then turned back to me. "I have something to ask you, Sophie Ryan."

My heart stopped for just a second. Oh God; please no. I thought I might know what he was about to say, but I hoped not.

"I'm not interested in what you have to say," I said quickly. It was true; I really didn't care, and I wanted him to shut up.

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