Chapter One

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Noroki POV

"Todoroki-kun!" Noroki ran over to him, long, white ponytail swinging behind her with the skip in her step. She grinned, jumping to a stop in front of him.


It had been more than a few months since she'd seen him, he no longer seemed as tall as he had back in middle school, perhaps she had grown.

"That Bakugou seems like a real piece of work." She let out a little laugh. "I thought he might actually try and kill you even after he won."

"Yeah." He stared at her for a moment, glancing over her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with--" she looked over her shoulder, and then around them. "Not again."

Noroki groaned, raising her hand to her head to push back the bangs which had fallen out from behind her ear. Sora had been there a second ago, she was sure of it. He had stood just by the entrance when she said she'd been right back. He'd heard when she had told him where she was going hadn't he? She turned back to Todoroki who had the smallest of smiles on his face. Noroki smiled back. "Now you look like someone who wants to be here."

"It's been a complicated day."

"Yeah, Yuei looks pretty intense."

He just nodded, walking her away from the crowded path and over to a bench. "Who are you here with?"

"Oh, Sora brought me."


Noroki nodded. "He thought it would put me off the idea of being a hero. He's scouting for his agency, let me tag along. He was just--" Her phone rang in her hand and she excused herself a moment, checking the ID and taking the call. Sora. He'd ground her for months.

"Where the hell did you go?"

"Oh, I just bumped into Todoroki, from school. Is everything okay?" She looked up, and searched around to see if he'd emerged.

"I have to work. Something has happened Hosu way. They're asking for additional heroes."

"I can make my own way home. Sora, I'll be fine. Go and do what you need to." She played with the hem of her skirt.

"I'll take you home and go."

"Don't be silly. Hero work is way more important."

"I don't like the idea of you going home alone, Noroki."

She nodded. The last time she had been out truly by herself... she must've been a child. "I'll be fine. I know what train it is. And I'll message you the whole time."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm a big girl, Sora."

"I still don't like it..." He sighed on the other end of the line. "But I'll see you tonight okay? I'll bring home dinner."

"Be careful, okay?" She spoke to a dial tone. He'd already gone. It must've been important. She closed the cover on her phone.

"Sora is your brother, right?"

"Oh." Noroki looked back to Todoroki who hadn't moved from the bench. "Yeah. Something happened in Hosu. He had to go."

She smoothed down her grey skirt, sitting back down on the bench next to him.

"Want me to walk you home?"

She looked up, smile on her face for a moment, before it fell. "No, it's okay. It's a whole train ride away."

"You live in the street next to mine, Ito-san." He pushed on his legs, standing next to her. "I'll just go grab my bag."

"Do you want me to wait here?"

"Will you stay there," he paused mid-sentence, tilting his head to the side to look at her. "Or will you get distracted?"

Noroki couldn't hold back her smile.

"Come on."

"Todoroki-kun." She fell into step next to him. "It's good to see you again."

They passed some of Todoroki's classmates in the direction he was leading her. She waved as they walked, introducing herself, as Todoroki stood by her side, not really saying much. Quiet was always part of who he was, she was glad most of his class seemed nice though, especially after his fight with Midoriya had been so aggressive.

Leaving her outside the waiting room, he popped inside to change and grab his things. Opening her phone, she messaged Sora, letting him know that Todoroki would take her home, so he didn't have to worry about her going by herself.

Still keep me updated, Nor. I'll let you know when I'm on my way home.

Will do.


Noroki glanced up, a boy with blonde hair leaned on the wall next to her, smile on his face. And next to him, she assumed was his friend, someone much shorter, with

"Hi." She smiled back.

"I'm Denki--"

"Kaminari. You have the electric quirk."

"You were watching."

"Yeah. I'm hoping to come to Yuei next year."

He looked down to his friend, before slinking an arm around her shoulders, pulling her away from the wall. "Then let us tell you everything you need to know."

"Really? That would be great."

They started walking her down the corridor. His other friend introduced himself as Mineta.


The three of them stopped walking.

"Oh, Todoroki-kun, Kaminari was just going to..." She turned back to Kaminari who scratched the back of his head, letting go and taking a single step away from her.

"Come on." Todoroki started walking away from her, back to the entrance.

"Okay." Noroki ran to his side. "Maybe next time, Kaminari."


Sunlight warmed her skin as they stepped back out into the crowds, or perhaps it was standing so close to Todoroki's left side. She'd never noticed before, although perhaps that's because she couldn't recall ever standing so close to him.


She looked over her shoulder, slowing down. Endeavor waited for his son, although Todoroki didn't stop walking, or even look back at his father. "Todor--"

"Ignore him." His gaze had darkened, and his fists were clenched.

"Thanks, by the way." Noroki hurried to his side again, smiling at him. "For walking me home, it means a lot. To Sora as well."

He nodded to her in acknowledgement, releasing his fist. He didn't say anything else for the rest of the walk to the train station, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable, not for her at least. Todoroki bought a train ticket, and followed her through the barrier, ushering her into a seat as he stood in front of her.

"You've gone quiet."

"Oh, I was just letting Sora know we're on the train."


"He worries." Noroki gave a small laugh. "A lot."

Her phone vibrated in her hand and she flipped open the cover glancing at the message. Just a small thanks for keeping him updated. "But he means well."

She moved from her seat as more people squeezed into the carriage, and far more deserving people needed a seat. Todoroki kept her close by still, standing next to her holding his right hand over hers on the grab handle.

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