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If you want to find someone who makes covers then scroll down, near the bottom is the sub-section "People I know who make covers."


The importance of covers;

          Covers, much like titles and descriptions, draw your readers in. Sure there is a saying, "Don't judge a book by its cover" but a lot of people do. Mostly I judge a book by the blurb, but a lot of people still do literally judge a book by its cover. It is a shame really because so of the best books have the worst covers. 

               Covers really should not be an important part of a book, but unfortunately they are. So it seems that I should suggest having a cover as some advice. You obviously don't have to, but if you do I suggest you try something original. There are a lot of covers that look the same these days. So make sure yours is completely original.

As the author of your story it is obviously your choice whether you have a cover or not. Would I recommending having a cover? Yes I would. 

Things you shouldn't do with covers;

       Do not steal covers. Make your own and if you cannot do that then ask someone nicely to make you one and make sure you give them credit for it. It is wrong to steal something, if you take one thing from this book, let it be that. Copyright is there for a reason.

As an author you should never steal any kind of work whether it be a cover or story idea! 

Things you should do or include with your covers; 

        The title should always be on the cover. Obviously. Your full name and/or username. You can include either a line from or related to your story. On Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamers series covers on the back of the cover it reads; Soul Screamers; The last thing you hear before you die. It makes the reader want to pick up your book. It makes the reader want to know more. 

            The cover should have something to do with the story. There is no use in putting a werewolf cover on a vampire story that doesn't even have wolves in it.. Make sure the cover relates to the story. 

As an author you should try to avoid anything that would cause Copyright and having a cover that doesn't fit!

Colour and clarity;

Your cover needs to be easy to read. A cover that is hard to read will not draw attention. You do not want the colours to clash either. This will make you cover look sloppy, which will make your whole work seem sloppy. If that is the only kind of cover you have you are better off without one. Either make yourself a new cover or ask someone (nicely) to do it for you!

Grammar, spelling, and covers;

           All spelling and grammar has to be correct on a cover. If the spelling is incorrect it will probably put readers off. Triple check all your covers for spelling and grammar mistakes! 

People I know who make covers;

At the moment I only know of one person that makes covers. @LolitaLyrisJinx, whose username has now changed, but this chapter is dedicated to her so you can find her that way, has made most of my covers so far. She makes great covers and they're made quickly, so if you cannot find someone to make your cover, I'm sure she won't mind.

I have recently started to make some covers, so if you are in need of a cover feel free to comment or message me. It might take me a while to make the cover though because I am fussy about the pictures I use. It has to feel right, and then be around the right size, even though I can change the pixels anyway. 


          Covers are very important, but not essential. A cover can attract more readers, but that is not a guarentee. If you are a published author you should always have a cover, if you are a Wattpad author you get to choose. Personally I like my covers, I think they add something to the story, but this chapter doesn't mean you should go and get a cover because I say so. If you would like a cover feel free to get one, they can be important, but if you don't want a cover that is your choice. This post is mainly about what should be put on covers. 

Did I miss something? If so tell me below. I love hearing your opinions too. What do you agree with? What do you disagree with? 

As always, if you would like my help with something, just ask! I am always happy to help. 

As you can all see I do not have as much to say about covers. I do not know very much about them, I'm welcome to suggestions of things I should add. Until next time where I will be giving advice on good and bad feedback and how to react to it. 

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