First, Second, and Third Person

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First, Second, and Third Person;

You should pick one of these and stick to it. It is okay to do a prologue in say third person and then the rest of the story in first, but that is the only exception to the rule. It is a lot easier to understand if you stick to one person. First, second, or third. 

All of this is about your writing outside of your dialogue. Within dialogue everybody speaks in a different person. You should not change your dialogue. Dialogue is a completely different matter!

First Person;

               This is the person most people write in on Wattpad. When your main character or your narrator say "I" or "we" with you are writing in first person. The first person is good to get into a singular person's head, or two or three people's head if you're changing POVs. 

A random rubbish example I just made up;

Today we went to the beach. I had a lot of fun. 

                As you can see this is one person talking about themselves and how they feel. This is first person. If you're still confused and want me to explain it better just comment and I will try to explain it better, but this is the simplest form of explaination.

Second Person;

                 Not many people write in the second person. Actually I have never seen anybody do it. Probably because you use the second person when talking directly to someone. Like a narrator in a stage show might speak directly to the audience. That is the only thing I can think to compare it to. usually second person is mainly used during dialogue. It would be pretty hard to write an entire story using this person.

I could not think of my own example. So here is an example from Dr Suess. An example of how to write in second person;

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go."

(Dr. Seuss, Oh! The Places You’ll Go! 1990)

As you can see it would be difficult to write like this all of the time. You can ask the reader questions sometimes whilst writing in first person. Like; "What would you do in this situation?" ect. But unless you are comfortable, I wouldn't recommend writing in second person.

Third person;

                 Third person includes everybody. You can get everybody's feelings into the story. "he" "she" "it" "they" Those are the main words used to refer to people in the third person. If you have several people who's feelings you want to show, then you should use this person.

Another rubbish and very random example, this time for the third person;

Sarah, Hana, Lauren, and Alex all went to the beach today. They all had a lot of fun, it was a laugh. Sarah couldn't believe they were actually beginning to accept her into their group. They usually never let anybody else get close to them, but it seems that Sarah was an exception.

Okay, so I know these examples all sucked, but they were the best I could do on short notice. 

Let me know if I missed anything. Tell me your opinions or anything you'd like me to add in the comments!

For the next chapter I will try to give advice on how to write in a guy's POV if you're a girl and vice versa. As requested by Lily3333kitty!

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