Promoting Your Story and Getting More Reads

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I know this chapter is supposed to be about sub-plots, and the one after that is supposed to be about flashbacks, but I felt like this chapter was just as important. 

Promoting You Story and Getting More Reads;

Promoting Your Story;

Messaging people;

You should try to promote your story as professionally as possible. Avoid messaging and spamming friends, or fans on all sites. This annoys most people. (especially if you are a self-published author expecting these people to PAY for your book!) 

There is one acceptable way to this on wattpad. Maybe two. 

First; You can click the little "send message to all fans" button on your message board and send all your fans a message informing them that a new chapter/story/poem has been posted. Such as this;

"Hi guys, just to let you know there's a new chapter up of Blah Blah Blah! :)" 

Simple and unspammy. 

The only other people you should ever under any circumstances message to read your story is critics. If a critic is taking requests. (If the critic or review then gives you a bad review, don't be a bitch about it, you asked for an honest review if you ask a critic to read your story!)


It is extremely rude to comment on other people's stories just to promote your own. (I don't mind if you ask me to check out your story either in my advice book (this one) or on my review book on here. There are terms with the review book though!) If you comment on my story to promote your own I will probably report you and I will instantly delete the comment. 

If you go onto another person's story, you go there to read it. If you comment on a persons story, you review it, or tell them something you liked or disliked. Unless of course it is one of those "promote your story here" things. Otherwise there is not exception to this rule. It will also make you look desparate!

Share Your Story;

This group is there for a reason. There are plenty of critics and such looking for stories within this group. If you want to promote your story then join this group and comment in the right places whilst staying with in the guidelines of that particualr post. Comprende? Sorry, that was a slightly bitchy comprende...

If you promote your story in a read and review for read and review then make sure you actually read and review their story. Don't just comment, "yeah, it's real good" and not read it. People are looking for real advice and tips. Give it to them, and they should give it to you in return.

Getting More Reads + Votes;

Something that I am seeing more and more on wattpad is this; 

10,000 vote and I'll post the next chapter.

100,000 reads and I'll post the next chapter.

How are you going to know if people actually like your story, or are just voting because you're asking? You shouldn't need to ask for votes or reads to be honest. 

The best way to get more reads and votes is to either promote your story, or wait it out. It's slow at first, but it's that way for everyone. Nobody really gets famous over night. There's always a slow build up.

When you wait it out it is much more satisfying because you know people are reading and voting because they want to, not because you asked them too.

Do not fan everyone you can just for more reads!

An unconvensional and non guarenteed way is to read other people's stories. When you read someone else's story and comment with your honest opinion and then fan the author more people see you. They see your opinion so they know a little something about you. The stories you like or dislike. 

Another way is to connect with other writers. Most members on Wattpad won't mind talking to you, and/or discussing stories. It's good to connect with other writers for advice! 

I probably missed a lot here. But you know the drill. If you think I missed something or there is something I should add then tell me in the comments!

Until next time...

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